VPlayerRes is an standalone resource library used in VPlayer for Android. Look for foreign friend help us to translate the strings. Https://vplayer.net
The language is defined by a two-letter ISO 639-1 language code, optionally followed by a two letter ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 region code (preceded by lowercase "r").
- ar: Sarmad Mansoor
- bg: Ferotakis
- de: Marc Hillesheim
- es: Luis Gallón
- fi: Matti Jormakka
- fr: Gilles Gravier
- it: Diego Pierotto
- ja: July Liu
- ko: KYLIN
- nl: Elroy T
- ru: Наиль Шайхутдинов
- sk: Lumir Strauch
- tr: Ugur Serttas, Said Tahsin Dane
- fa: Mostafa Rouzbahani
- iw: Roeye