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Yoshi Nagasaki edited this page Oct 16, 2015 · 6 revisions

Ideas, thoughts, requirements


Describes the various sections of the webapp.

Main view (dashboard)

Shows useful info for RIGHT NOW. For example:

  • Upcoming and as-of-yet unpaid/unreceived INSTANCES of line items.
  • Calendar view
  • Some more general infos:
    • How much money is left this month
    • more???
  • Ability to add one-time line-items

Line items view

Allows planning, adding, editing of line items. Shows useful metrics like net balance per month.


Some features that are worth noting explicitly.


Should be able to tag line_items. (maybe)


For large and/or infrequent line items, should be able to "plan" for them. For example, saving each month to pay for a property tax payment, which only happens twice a year.