This repository was archived by the owner on Sep 20, 2024. It is now read-only.
Releases: ynput/OpenPype
Releases Β· ynput/OpenPype
- Variable in docs renamed to proper name #2546
π New features
- Flame: extracting segments with trans-coding #2547
- Maya : V-Ray Proxy - load all ABC files via proxy #2544
- Maya to Unreal: Extended static mesh workflow #2537
- Flame: collecting publishable instances #2519
- Flame: create publishable clips #2495
π Enhancements
- Webpublisher: Moved error at the beginning of the log #2559
- Ftrack: Use ApplicationManager to get DJV path #2558
- Webpublisher: Added endpoint to reprocess batch through UI #2555
- Settings: PathInput strip passed string #2550
- Global: Exctract Review anatomy fill data with output name #2548
- Cosmetics: Clean up some cosmetics / typos #2542
- General: Validate if current process OpenPype version is requested version #2529
- General: Be able to use anatomy data in ffmpeg output arguments #2525
- Expose toggle publish plug-in settings for Maya Look Shading Engine Naming #2521
- Photoshop: Move implementation to OpenPype #2510
- Slack: notifications are sent with Openpype logo and bot name #2499
- Slack: Add review to notification message #2498
- General: Validate third party before build #2425
π Bug fixes
- AfterEffects: Fix - removed obsolete import #2577
- General: OpenPype version updates #2575
- Ftrack: Delete action revision #2563
- Webpublisher: ftrack shows incorrect user names #2560
- General: Do not validate version if build does not support it #2557
- Webpublisher: Fixed progress reporting #2553
- Fix Maya AssProxyLoader version switch #2551
- General: Fix install thread in igniter #2549
- Houdini: vdbcache family preserve frame numbers on publish integration + enable validate version for Houdini #2535
- Maya: Fix Load VDB to V-Ray #2533
- Maya: ReferenceLoader fix not unique group name error for attach to root #2532
- Maya: namespaced context go back to original namespace when started from inside a namespace #2531
- Fix create zip tool - path argument #2522
- Maya: Fix Extract Look with space in names #2518
- Fix published frame content for sequence starting with 0 #2513
- Maya: reset empty string attributes correctly to "" instead of "None" #2506
- Improve FusionPreLaunch hook errors #2505
- Maya: Validate Shape Zero do not keep fixed geometry vertices selected/active after repair #2456
Merged pull requests:
- AfterEffects: Move implementation to OpenPype #2543
- Maya: Remove Maya Look Assigner check on startup #2540
- build(deps): bump shelljs from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5 in /website #2538
- build(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.14.4 to 1.14.7 in /website #2534
- Nuke: Merge avalon's implementation into OpenPype #2514
- General: Default modules hierarchy n2 #2368
π Enhancements
- General: Workdir extra folders #2462
- Photoshop: New style validations for New publisher #2429
- General: Environment variables groups #2424
- Unreal: Dynamic menu created in Python #2422
- Settings UI: Hyperlinks to settings #2420
- Modules: JobQueue module moved one hierarchy level higher #2419
- TimersManager: Start timer post launch hook #2418
- General: Run applications as separate processes under linux #2408
- Ftrack: Check existence of object type on recreation #2404
- Enhancement: Global cleanup plugin that explicitly remove paths from context #2402
- General: MongoDB ability to specify replica set groups #2401
- Flame: moving
to api folder also withscripts
#2385 - Centos 7 dependency compatibility #2384
- Enhancement: Settings: Use project settings values from another project #2382
- Blender 3: Support auto install for new blender version #2377
- Maya add render image path to settings #2375
- Hiero: python3 compatibility #2365
- Maya: Add is_static_image_plane and is_in_all_views option in imagePlaneLoader #2356
- TVPaint: Move implementation to OpenPype #2336
π Bug fixes
- TVPaint: Create render layer dialog is in front #2471
- Short Pyblish plugin path #2428
- PS: Introduced settings for invalid characters to use in ValidateNaming plugin #2417
- Settings UI: Breadcrumbs path does not create new entities #2416
- AfterEffects: Variant 2022 is in defaults but missing in schemas #2412
- Nuke: baking representations was not additive #2406
- General: Fix access to environments from default settings #2403
- Fix: Placeholder Input color set fix #2399
- Settings: Fix state change of wrapper label #2396
- Flame: fix ftrack publisher #2381
- hiero: solve custom ocio path #2379
- hiero: fix workio and flatten #2378
- Nuke: fixing menu re-drawing during context change #2374
- Webpublisher: Fix assignment of families of TVpaint instances #2373
- Nuke: fixing node name based on switched asset name #2369
- Houdini: Fix HDA creation #2350
Merged pull requests:
π Enhancements
- Tools: Assets widget #2265
- SceneInventory: Choose loader in asset switcher #2262
- Style: New fonts in OpenPype style #2256
- Tools: SceneInventory in OpenPype #2255
- Tools: Tasks widget #2251
- Tools: Creator in OpenPype #2244
- Added endpoint for configured extensions #2221
π Bug fixes
- Tools: Parenting of tools in Nuke and Hiero #2266
- limiting validator to specific editorial hosts #2264
- Tools: Select Context dialog attribute fix #2261
- Maya: Render publishing fails on linux #2260
- LookAssigner: Fix tool reopen #2259
- Standalone: editorial not publishing thumbnails on all subsets #2258
- Burnins: Support mxf metadata #2247
- Maya: Support for configurable AOV separator characters #2197
- Maya: texture colorspace modes in looks #2195
π New features
- Add validate active site button to sync queue on a project #2176
- Maya : Colorspace configuration #2170
- Blender: Added support for audio #2168
π Enhancements
- Tools: Subset manager in OpenPype #2243
- General: Skip module directories without init file #2239
- General: Static interfaces #2238
- Style: Fix transparent image in style #2235
- Add a "following workfile versioning" option on publish #2225
- Modules: Module can add cli commands #2224
- Webpublisher: Separate webpublisher logic #2222
- Add both side availability on Site Sync sites to Loader #2220
- Tools: Center loader and library loader on show #2219
- Maya : Validate shape zero #2212
- Maya : validate unique names #2211
- Tools: OpenPype stylesheet in workfiles tool #2208
- Ftrack: Replace Queue with deque in event handlers logic #2204
- Tools: New select context dialog #2200
- Maya : Validate mesh ngons #2199
- Dirmap in Nuke #2198
- Delivery: Check 'frame' key in template for sequence delivery #2196
- Settings: Site sync project settings improvement #2193
- Usage of tools code #2185
- Settings: Dictionary based on project roots #2184
- Subset name: Be able to pass asset document to get subset name #2179
π Bug fixes
- Ftrack: Sync project ftrack id cache issue #2250
- Ftrack: Session creation and Prepare project #2245
- Added queue for studio processing in PS #2237
- Python 2: Unicode to string conversion #2236
- Fix - enum for color coding in PS #2234
- Pyblish Tool: Fix targets handling #2232
- Ftrack: Base event fix of 'get_project_from_entity' method #2214
- Maya : multiple subsets review broken #2210
- Fix - different command used for Linux and Mac OS #2207
- Tools: Workfiles tool don't use avalon widgets #2205
- Ftrack: Fill missing ftrack id on mongo project #2203
- Project Manager: Fix copying of tasks #2191
- Blender: Fix trying to pack an image when the shader node has no texture #2183
- Maya: review viewport settings #2177
- Maya: Aspect ratio #2174
- Maya: Change mayaAscii family to mayaScene #2106
π New features
- Added project and task into context change message in Maya #2131
- Add ExtractBurnin to photoshop review #2124
- PYPE-1218 - changed namespace to contain subset name in Maya #2114
- Added running configurable disk mapping command before start of OP #2091
- SFTP provider #2073
- Maya: Validate setdress top group #2068
π Enhancements
- Maya: make rig validators configurable in settings #2137
- Settings: Updated readme for entity types in settings #2132
- Nuke: unified clip loader #2128
- Settings UI: Project model refreshing and sorting #2104
- Create Read From Rendered - Disable Relative paths by default #2093
- Added choosing different dirmap mapping if workfile synched locally #2088
- General: Remove IdleManager module #2084
- Tray UI: Message box about missing settings defaults #2080
- Tray UI: Show menu where first click happened #2079
- Global: add global validators to settings #2078
- Use CRF for burnin when available #2070
- Project manager: Filter first item after selection of project #2069
- Nuke: Adding
image family workflow #2064 - Maya: validate authorized loaded plugins #2062
- Tools: add support for pyenv on windows #2051
π Bug fixes
- Maya: fix model publishing #2130
- Fix - oiiotool wasn't recognized even if present #2129
- General: Disk mapping group #2120
- Hiero: publishing effect first time makes wrong resources path #2115
- Add startup script for Houdini Core. #2110
- TVPaint: Behavior name of loop also accept repeat #2109
- Ftrack: Project settings save custom attributes skip unknown attributes #2103
- Blender: Fix NoneType error when animation_data is missing for a rig #2101
- Fix broken import in sftp provider #2100
- Global: Fix docstring on publish plugin extract review #2097
- Delivery Action Files Sequence fix #2096
- General: Cloud mongo ca certificate issue #2095
- TVPaint: Creator use context from workfile #2087
- Blender: fix texture missing when publishing blend files #2085
- General: Startup validations oiio tool path fix on linux #2083
- Deadline: Collect deadline server does not check existence of deadline key #2082
- Blender: fixed Curves with modifiers in Rigs #2081
- Nuke UI scaling #2077
- Maya: Fix multi-camera renders #2065
- Fix Sync Queue when project disabled #2063
- Hiero: Editorial fixes #2057
Merged pull requests:
- Bump pywin32 from 300 to 301 #2086
π Enhancements
- General: Startup validations #2054
- Nuke: proxy mode validator #2052
- Ftrack: Removed ftrack interface #2049
- Settings UI: Deffered set value on entity #2044
- Loader: Families filtering #2043
- Settings UI: Project view enhancements #2042
- Settings for Nuke IncrementScriptVersion #2039
- Loader & Library loader: Use tools from OpenPype #2038
- Adding predefined project folders creation in PM #2030
- WebserverModule: Removed interface of webserver module #2028
- TimersManager: Removed interface of timers manager #2024
- Feature Maya import asset from scene inventory #2018
- Settings: Flag project as deactivated and hide from tools' view #2008
π Bug fixes
- Timers manger: Typo fix #2058
- Hiero: Editorial fixes #2057
- Differentiate jpg sequences from thumbnail #2056
- FFmpeg: Split command to list does not work #2046
- Removed shell flag in subprocess call #2045
Merged pull requests:
- Bump prismjs from 1.24.0 to 1.25.0 in /website #2050
π New features
- Nuke: Compatibility with Nuke 13 #2003
π Enhancements
- Added possibility to configure of synchronization of workfile version⦠#2041
- Loader & Library loader: Use tools from OpenPype #2038
- General: Task types in profiles #2036
- Console interpreter: Handle invalid sizes on initialization #2022
- Ftrack: Show OpenPype versions in event server status #2019
- General: Staging icon #2017
- Ftrack: Sync to avalon actions have jobs #2015
- Modules: Connect method is not required #2009
- Settings UI: Number with configurable steps #2001
- Moving project folder structure creation out of ftrack module #1989 #1996
- Configurable items for providers without Settings #1987
- Global: Example addons #1986
- Standalone Publisher: Extract harmony zip handle workfile template #1982
- Settings UI: Number sliders #1978
- Workfiles: Support more workfile templates #1966
- Launcher: Fix crashes on action click #1964
- Settings: Minor fixes in UI and missing default values #1963
- Blender: Toggle system console works on windows #1962
- Global: Settings defined by Addons/Modules #1959
- CI: change release numbering triggers #1954
- Global: Avalon Host name collector #1949
- OpenPype: Add version validation and
mode and update progress π #1939
π Bug fixes
- Workfiles tool: Task selection #2040
- Ftrack: Delete old versions missing settings key #2037
- Nuke: typo on a button #2034
- Hiero: Fix "none" named tags #2033
- FFmpeg: Subprocess arguments as list #2032
- General: Fix Python 2 breaking line #2016
- Bugfix/webpublisher task type #2006
- Nuke thumbnails generated from middle of the sequence #1992
- Nuke: last version from path gets correct version #1990
- nuke, resolve, hiero: precollector order lest then 0.5 #1984
- Last workfile with multiple work templates #1981
- Collectors order #1977
- Stop timer was within validator order range. #1975
- Ftrack: arrow submodule has https url source #1974
- Ftrack: Fix hosts attribute in collect ftrack username #1972
- Deadline: Houdini plugins in different hierarchy #1970
- Removed deprecated submodules #1967
- Global: ExtractJpeg can handle filepaths with spaces #1961