This web app will help connect workers with people that need yard work done. This could include, lawn mowing, leaf raking, or snowblowing.
The app will be stored in this repository along with the documentation of the design process and the documentation of the app. The documentation for both can be found in the folder called "docs".
The actal app will be in the folder called "hustle"
Every person on the team has a personal branch that they will use to develope on. When a change is needed to be merged with the main branch, the person that made the change will have to create a pull request. Then the rest of the team will look it over discuss and approve it.
Django will be used to create and manage the web apps database. Django uses python and it's somthing that everyone on the team has some experience in making it a great choice.
Clone the project into your desired location using: git clone
pip install django-localflavor
pip install django-crispy-forms
pip install Pillow
python makemigrations
python migrate
python loaddata
bash $ python runserver
in a browser to see the app running -
Login using any of the below default credentials:
Role Username Password Owner superuser caab2222 Customer customer caab2222 Worker worker caab2222
To run the unit tests first follow all the build instructions expect for actally running the main server then:
run python test
if all the tests pass you will see this:
Creating test database for alias 'default'...
Ran 4 tests in 1.028s
Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
The unit tests test all the data base objects and connections by inserting things into the database and then recalling them and comparing
Once the app is implemented this is what you will use to start up the project to start testing it.
Start by running an instance of the web app by first entering the correct repository and then by entering the following bash $ python runserver Now that the app is running, open an internet browser and enter the address localhost:8000\main. The testing username and pasword will be described later but will allow the user to test every system in the app.
- Variables: normal_variable_name, CONSTANT_VARIABLE_NAME
- functions/methods: normal_function_name(), normal_method_name()
- classes: NormalClassName