- Variables are camelCased.
- File and folder names start with small letters eg: "routes/home.js"
- For custom styling (i.e. not using bootstrap) class names for elements must be snake_cased and prefixed by the folder and file name eg: "route_home_button". This is because all css files and jsx files are bundled together when the app is built.
- NPM and NodeJS
(Note: When I say root folder I mean the highest level of the project in which you can see a client folder, and the server.js file)
- Go to a convenient place in your computer and create an empty folder.
- Open your terminal (command line) with the path set inside this new folder.
- Use "git init"
- Then clone the repository using "git clone {$repository_link}"
- cd into the the project react folder (root/client)
- run the command "npm i"
- cd into the the project root folder (frontend)
- run the command "npm i"
Run the command "npm start" in the frontend/client folder to run just the frontend.
Run the command "npm start" in the root folder
Run the command "npm run dev" in the root folder. Server will run on localhost:5000 by default. Open the frontend port, usually localhost:8080, if it does not open automatically.
- git fetch origin master
- If there are merge conflicts then fix them before proceeding
- git add .
- git commit -m "some-message"
- git push (updates your local branch)
- Go to github.com/yoloventure/frontend and visit your branch.
- Create a pull request using the online interface.
- If there are merge conflicts resolve them online, or resolve locally and push to your branch again.
- Wait for heruko auto-deployment to complete and view it to check if the features you added work correctly.