CEX Arbitrage is a technique for buying and selling the same asset/coin on different exchanges to benefit from price differences.
By using ArbGator Cex Arbitrage Bot, you can make profit 24/7 automatically using our high performance and low risk program to trade for you.
Visit our web site now: https://arbgator.com/
Telegram Group: https://t.me/arbgator
Telegram Group (中文): https://t.me/arbgator_chinese
Telegram channel: https://t.me/arbgator_channel
- First register and get a free account from www.arbgator.com
- Check your email to verify the account (you may need to check the spam folder if you do not see the email in your inbox)
- Your now able to use ArbGator Cex arbitrage program.
- Go to Profile tab and configure the settings accordingly (use the default value as suggested for you first time, and change it accordingly after that)
- Go to Exchanges tab and add new exchange, your allowed to add up to 4 exchanges in Free Trial membership. You can simply key in any number or characters for the Api key and secret for Free Trial membership.
- Go to Symbols tab and add new symbol, your allowed to add up to 10 symbols in Free Trial membership.
- Go to Downloads tab and download ArbGator program or download from this repo, currently we support Mac OS and Unix (Ubuntu 16 and above), click on the version you want and download the program accordingly.
- After downloaded the program, you will need to unzip it.
- For Mac OS, in the command line type: bash main.sh, for Unix Ubuntu please type: ./main.sh
- You will see a list of actions you can perform from the program.
- First you need to setup the email & password by enter 1, then type your email and click Enter, then type you password and click Enter again. You should see a success message here.
- You can check the latency between all exchanges with your program by enter 2 in the program.
- You can check the balance & profit by enter 3 in the program.
- You are ready to go, enter 4 to start the Arbitrage program. (you can also setup a cron job to run the program non-stop by using nohup or pm2, we recommend pm2 and the sample command to use in pm2 is here: pm2 start --name CEX_ARB "/run start")
- If there is a new version of the program, you can upgrade it by enter 6 in the program.
- You can sell a symbol in all exchanges by enter 5 in the program follow by the symbol name. Eg. btc for Bitcoin
- Enter 7 to exit the program if you no longer need to use it.