This script translates ARM assembly code to machine code.
The script can translate 3 types of ARM instructions
1- Data processing instructions with the second source register is either a positive immediate decimal offset or a register:
Example 1: Add R0, R1, R2 Example 2: SUB R0, R0, #8 Example 3: ORRSEQ R2, R3, R4
- The supported types of the data instructions functions are ('and', 'eor', 'sub', 'rsb', 'add', 'adc', 'sbc', 'rsc', 'tst', 'teq', 'cmp', 'cmn', 'orr', 'mov'])
- The supported conditions are ('eq', 'ne', 'cs', 'hs', 'cc', 'lo', 'ml', 'pl', 'vs', 'vc', 'hl', 'ls', 'ge', 'lt', 'le', 'al')
- If an 's' is added after the function this indicates that the CPSR register will save the condition flags.
2- Memory instructions in offset mode with postive immediate dcimal offset:
Example 1: STR R0, [R1, #10] Example 2: LDR R2, [R3, #5] Example 3: STRNE R0, [R1, #10]
- The supported memory instructions are just Load (LDR) and Store (STR) instructions only wich stores ore loads a whole word.
- The first regester is the destination register when load and the source register when store.
3- Branch instructions (forward Branching only)
Example 1: B, #4 Example 2: BL, #6 Example 3: BLEQ, #8
- The immediate decimal value after the branch instruction represents the number of instructions needed to be skipped
- Both branch and branch link instructions are supported