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Releases: youyupei/NanoIsoform

First release.

28 May 12:48
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This is the first release with the complete pipeline.

Input file:

  • Probability table from NanoSplicer (TSV)
  • NanoSplicer jwr_checker output (HDF5)
  • BAM file (same as what has been input to NanoSplicer)


  • **Option 1:**Default (or specify an output filename with extension .bed): BED file. Each entry corresponds to a unique isoform, and the "score" field (column 5) represents the read counts for each identified isoform.
  • Option 2: specify an output filename with extension .gtf). Note: the quantification information is still not included in the GTF output.

Small group recover

22 Aug 11:36
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Small group recover Pre-release


  • Start group reads based on non-overlapping interval in each chromosom
  • Increase the default threshold to define groups with a sufficient number of reads
  • Recover small group using all other JWRs (corrected by NanoSplicer and JAQ-based approach).

First version

17 Aug 02:53
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First version Pre-release

This is an initial implementation of NanoIsoform:


  1. Input data: NanoSplicer JWR checker output and prob table
    * All data are imported into memory, working okay so far but might need to adjust for larger datasets.
    * Note that read with no JWR will not appear in the input file.
  2. Group reads based on "# of JWR" -> "Close JWRs"
  3. No read count threshold per group, but JWR will remain uncorrected if there are not enough nearby JWR corrected by NanoSplicer or JAQ-based approach.

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