A workflow for conducting phylognetic analysis based on BUSCO orthologs (protein sequences NOT nucleotide sequences).
For some genomes, the contigs or chrosomes are different fasta files, scriptmerge_pieces.py
were wrote to merge these genome pieces into one FASTA file.
cat file_lst | merge_assembly_pieces.py - -o output_directory
Format of the input file.
Column1: fingal genome prefix
column2: different pieces.
GCA_021398005.1 ./GCA_021398005.1/ncbi_dataset/data/GCA_021398005.1/GCA_021398005.fna
GCA_021436885.1 ./GCA_021436885.1/ncbi_dataset/data/GCA_021436885.1/chr1.fna
To obtain basic information of the genomes, how the quality of the assembly.
$ genome_stat.py -h
usage: genome_stat.py [-h] [-t <1>] <genome_lst.tsv>
genome_stat.py --stat basic information of genome assemblies.
date: 2024-07-28
bugs: [email protected]
ls 00_genomes/*.fna | genome_stat.py -t 4 - > genome.statistics.tsv
find 00_genomes -name "*.fna" -type f | genome_stat.py -t 4 - > genome.statistics.tsv
positional arguments:
<genome_lst.tsv> Path to the file containing genome paths or use '-' for standard input
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t <1>, --threads <1>
Number of threads to use. Default 1
Genome #Contigs GC #N_character Contig_longest Contig_minimum N90 L90 N50 L50 N75 L75
00_genomes/GCA_000002515.1.fna 6 0.3642047151347448 44 2602197 1062590 1320834 5 1753957 3 1715506 4
00_genomes/GCA_000002545.2.fna 13 0.36257972642186453 300 1455689 491328 558804 11 1100349 5 927101 8
00_genomes/GCA_000002525.1.fna 6 0.45160903650109024 1171 4224103 2303261 2303261 6 3633272 3 3066374 5
00_genomes/GCA_000002945.2.fna 4 0.3215030226710216 402 5579133 19431 2452883 3 4539804 2 4539804 2
Use BUSCO to evaluate genome completeness and identify BUSCO genes
cat genome_accession.list | while read a;do echo "busco -i ${genome_dir}/${genome_abbrev}.fna \
-o ${genome_abbrev}_busco \
--out_path ${output_dir} \
--offline --cpu 8 \
--mode geno \
-l ${lineage} &> ${output_dir}/${genome_abbrev}_busco.log";done > run_busco.sh
# parallel
nohup ParaFly -c run_busco.sh -failed_cmds run_busco.sh.failed &
When we are carrying out a big project including thousands of genomes, we should summarize all BUSCO results and further to remove bad assemblies.
For this purpose, I wrote summary_busco_results.py
find . -name 'short_summary.specific*txt' | summary_BUSCO_results.py - | sed 's/genome_label/Assembly/;s/.fna//' > busco_statistics.tsv
Results as shown below:
Assembly C S D F M Complete BUSCOS (C) Complete and single-copy BUSCOs (S) Complete and duplicated BUSCOs (D) Fragemented BUSCOs (F) Missing BUSCOs (M) Total BUSCO groups searched
GCA_013390195.1 97.8% 97.5% 0.3% 0.2% 2.0% 1669 1664 5 3 34 1706
GCA_003568745.1 97.0% 96.3% 0.7% 0.8% 2.2% 1655 1643 12 13 38 1706
GCA_014705165.1 97.6% 97.1% 0.5% 0.4% 2.0% 1665 1656 9 6 35 1706
ls genome_labels.list | awk '{print $1"\t../01_busco/"$1"_busco/run_fungi_odb10/full_table.tsv"}' | single_copy_busco_datasets.py -d ~/database/busco/fungi_odb10/links_to_ODB10.txt -m class_matrix.tsv -c 50 -o 02_single_copy_busco_datasets -t 8 -
# or
single_copy_busco_datasets.py -d ~/database/busco/fungi_odb10/links_to_ODB10.txt -m class_matrix.tsv -c 50 -o 02_single_copy_busco_datasets -t 8 label_full_table.path.list
input file:
GCA_902806535.1 ./GCA_902806535.1_HR_busco/run_ascomycota_odb10/full_table.tsv
GCA_002246955.1 ./GCA_002246955.1_ASM224695v1_busco/run_ascomycota_odb10/full_table.tsv
mkdir 03_mafft
ls 02_single_copy_busco_datasets/*faa | sed "s/02_single_copy_busco_datasets\///"| while read a;do echo "mafft --thread 4 --auto 02_single_copy_busco_datasets/${a} > 03_mafft/${a%.faa}.mafft.faa 2> /dev/null";done > run_mafft.sh
nohup ParaFly -c run_mafft.sh -CPU 8 --failed_cmds run_mafft.sh.failed &
mkdir 04_trimal
ls 03_mafft/ | sed 's/.mafft.faa//' | xargs -I {} trimal -in 03_mafft/{}.mafft.faa -out 04_trimal/{}.mafft.trimal.faa -gappyout
mkdir 05_modelfinder
ls 04_trimal/*faa | msa_length.py - | awk '$2>=300 {print $1}' | sed "s/.mafft.trimal.faa//;s/04_trimal\///" | while read a;do echo "\
iqtree -s 04_trimal/${a}.mafft.trimal.faa \
--seqtype AA \
-T 4 \
--prefix 05_modelfinder/${a} \
--msub nuclear \
--mset mrbayes" > run_modelfinder.sh
nohup ParaFly -c run_modelfinder.sh -CPU 8 --failed_cmds run_modelfinder.sh.failed &
mkdir 06_iqtree
ls 04_trimal/*faa | msa_length.py - | awk '$2>=300 {print $1}' | concatenate_msa.py -o 06_iqtree/concatenated.faa -
mkdir 06_iqtree
model=$(grep "Best-fit model: .* chosen according to BIC" 05_modelfinder/*log| sed 's/.*Best-fit model://;s/ chosen according to BIC//' | awk '{a[$0]+=1}END {for (i in a) print i, a[i]}' | sort -k 2 -nr)
nohup iqtree -s 06_iqtree/concatenated.faa \
--seqtype AA \
-o ${outgroup} \
--prefix 06_iqtree/iqtree.ml \
--mem 150G \
-T AUTO --threads-max 16 \
--ninit 50 \
--ufboot 1000 \
--abayes \
-m WAG+I+G4 &