Code relevant for work present in thesis "Visual bias mitigation driven by Bayesian uncertainties".
This code assumes additional directories in default locations:
: Tensorboard log directorydata/
: datasets
Set the path directories in
All default configurations, paths, and parameters can be changed in
Links to download datasets:
The repository includes checkpoints for baseline Bayesian ResNet18 models trained on the three datasets. Run scripts
, and
to obtain sharpening results reported in the paper.
Alternately, to modify parameters, you can run the
Python script directly on the command line:
usage: [-h] [--task_id TASK_ID] [--config_name CONFIG_NAME]
[--dataset_code DATASET_CODE] [--lit_code LIT_CODE]
[--model_code MODEL_CODE] [--model_desc MODEL_DESC]
[--ckpt CKPT] [--optim_code OPTIM_CODE]
[--max_epochs MAX_EPOCHS] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--momentum MOMENTUM] [--lr LR] [--result_file RESULT_FILE]
[--cycle_length CYCLE_LENGTH] [--num_gpus NUM_GPUS]
[--dev_run DEV_RUN] [--use_vw_flag_coco USE_VW_FLAG_COCO]
[--bmnist_size BMNIST_SIZE] [--small_imagenet SMALL_IMAGENET]
[--pretrained PRETRAINED] [--keep_fc KEEP_FC] [--alpha ALPHA]
[--epiwt EPIWT] [--kappa KAPPA] [--moments MOMENTS]
[--temperature TEMPERATURE] [--cycles CYCLES]
[--models_per_cycle MODELS_PER_CYCLE] [--bg_mode BG_MODE]
[--spurious_mode SPURIOUS_MODE]
[--spurious_ratio SPURIOUS_RATIO] [--sf_size SF_SIZE]
[--loss_type LOSS_TYPE] [--loss_scalar LOSS_SCALAR]
[--moment_desc MOMENT_DESC]
All configs YAML files are under configs/
and any hyperparameters not specified there assume default values specified in
or provided on command line as arg variables.
Checkpoints for the Bayesian posterior estimates for Bayesian baseline models on the three datasets are included in moments/
. These include all
Checkpoints for final sharpened posterior models are also included.
To evaluate and generate predictions for the sharpened BayResNet+Sharpen, run:
python --config_name eval --task_id DATASET_TASK_ID
is 0 (Biased MNIST), 1 (COCO-on-Places), or 2 (BAR).
See requirements.txt
To be included after review period.
We would like to acknowledge the respective authors for their publicly available code for cSG-MCMC, network dissection, PCGrad, OccamNets whose code has been partially used and modified for this work.