Another google drive command line interface program written in Python.
Yu Mao Kao (yumaokao)
- Install with pip/pip2
$ sudo pip2 install -U gdrv
- Open the oauth link and grant google drive permission for this gdrv.
$ gdrv init
- simple sftp/lftp like ftp command line mode
$ gdrv ftp
gdrv> help
gdrv> <Tab>
gdrv> ls
gdrv> pull <Tab>
- List files and directories in your google drive root directory.
$ gdrv list /
- Make a new directory 'uploads' in your google drive root directory.
$ gdrv mkdir /uploads
- Push a local file 'LOCALFILE' to your google drive 'uploads' directory.
$ gdrv push LOCALFILE /uploads
- Pull files with a printer-liked prompt to $PWD.
$ gdrv pull /uploads/
- Throw files to your google drive trash can.
$ gdrv trash /uploads/
- Share the file to 'everyone' who has the url link of this file.
$ gdrv share /uploads/LOCALFILE
$ gdrv url /uploads/LOCALFILE
- Online playing a media file.
$ gdrv pull /uploads/SOME.mp4 -o - | mplayer -