Zero configuration needed Log based QOS system. Support spring,dubbo and java.
Unified Log tool for GOS.
- spring
- dubbo collect the consumer api access data.
Collect the logs in runtime, and send to monitor via kafka.
Consume Log message from kafka, calcuate and save to database.
Support Web UI of Statisics results.
- add Maven Dependency
- integret the Collector
<bean id="qosCollectInterceptor" class="com.appleframework.qos.collector.spring.CollectInterceptor"/>
<aop:pointcut id="api_wapi" expression="execution(* com.kplus.carwashing.*api.*Controller.*(..)))"/>
<aop:advisor pointcut-ref="api_wapi" advice-ref="qosCollectInterceptor"/>
- run Monitor
./bin/ start ./config/
- Run Agent
./bin/ start ./config/