A curated list of bookmarks, tutorials and other cool resources from the Dota 2 community
- Dotabuff - Player rankings, hero statistics, and live game tracking
- Dota2ProTracker - Website that tracks the performance of professional players
- Startz - Real-time match and player analysis, in-depth statistics
- OpenDota - Live match tracking, hero and player statistics, and a detailed match history for every player
- Spectral stats - Detailed analysis of Immortal bracket matches and players
- Liquipedia - Offers a wealth of information on players, teams, tournaments, and game mechanics
- Dota 2 Wiki - Comprehensive wiki for the game
- Howdoiplay - How to play and how to counter any hero
- Spectral builds - Builds by high mmr stats and non-standart hero builds
- 2B's guides - Non-standart 4th position hero builds (mostly "core as support").
- Random hero - Random hero selector
- Dotafix - Draft helper
- InvokerGame - Helps to develop muscle memory for executing Invoker's spells quickly and accurately
- Interactive Map - Interactive map that provides detailed information about the game's terrain, neutral camps, ward spots, and more
- Spectral's Hero Grid - Customizable tool designed for Dota 2 players, enabling them to organize heroes
- Dota 2 - Official website for the game
- r/DotA2 - Main subreddit dedicated to the game
- r/learndota2 - Subreddit dedicated to helping Dota 2 players improve their skills
- r/TrueDoTA2 - Subreddit dedicated to in-depth discussion and analysis of the game Dota 2
- Dota 2 Classic - Private server that allows players to play Dota 2 in its "classic" version