This project presents an advanced, upgradable staking contract developed in Solidity, aimed at providing flexibility and scalability for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. Utilizing the Hardhat framework, the contract supports seamless deployment, upgrading, and testing processes, ensuring a robust and efficient staking mechanism on the Ethereum blockchain.
Key Features:
- The contract can be easily upgraded to include new features or fix issues without disrupting the existing staking pools or user data. Deployment:
- Deploy the staking contract on the Sepolia network with a simple command, making it accessible on a live blockchain. Staking Pools:
- Create and manage multiple staking pools with configurable parameters such as start and end times, annual percentage yield (APY), and minimum/maximum staking limits. User-Friendly Staking:
- Users can stake tokens into designated pools, add additional stakes, and claim rewards efficiently.
Deploy: Stake Contract
npx hardhat run scripts/deployUpgradeableStakeContract.js --network bscMainnet
Upgrade: The upgradable Stake Contrat
npx hardhat run scripts/upgradeStakeContract.js --network bscTestnet
Testing comman
npx hardhat test test/StakeContract.js
Start the hardhat node on local (if you wish)
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat help
REPORT_GAS=true npx hardhat test
Create a new Stake Pool
await stakeContract.createStakePool(
'test1', //id
'Test Stake Pool', //name
1715242924, //start
1746778924, //end
5000, //apy 50%
parseUnits('1', 18), //min
parseUnits('1000000', 18), //max
Stake token to the pool by giving a stake pool Id
await stakeContract.stakeToken(
user1.address, //user
parseUnits('1', 18), //amount
'test1', //pool id
Additional stake can be added to the same pool
await stakeContract.stakeToken(
user1.address, //user
parseUnits('2', 18), //amount
'test1', //pool id
await stakeContract.stakeToken(
user1.address, //user
parseUnits('3', 18), //amount
'test1', //pool id
Total Claim: Claim the rewards in the pool by giving the pool id:
const tx = await stakeContract.claimReward4Total(
user1.address, //user
'test1', //pool id
Claming for each stake : Claim the rewards in the pool by giving the pool id:
await updateTimestampAsDays(365);
const tx = await stakeContract.claimReward4Each(
user1.address, //user
'test1', //pool id
'1', //stake id