If you can run the code in your local development environment. Here's a brief explanation of what you can expect when running the provided code:
Purchase Ticket:
- The program will prompt you to enter your details (first name, last name, email), departure location, and destination location.
- After entering the information, it will make a gRPC call to the server to purchase a ticket.
- The response will be printed, showing the details of the purchased ticket.
Get Receipt Details:
- The program will prompt you to enter the seat for which you want to retrieve details.
- After entering the seat, it will make a gRPC call to the server to get the receipt details for the specified seat.
- The response will be printed, either showing the receipt details or indicating that no receipt was found for the provided seat.
View User Seats:
- The program will prompt you to enter the section (A or B) for which you want to view user seats.
- After entering the section, it will make a gRPC call to the server to get the list of users and their seats in the specified section.
- The response will be printed, either showing the user seats or indicating that no users were found in the specified section.
Remove User:
- The program will prompt you to enter the email of the user you want to remove.
- After entering the email, it will make a gRPC call to the server to remove the user.
- The response will be printed, indicating whether the removal was successful or if no user was found with the provided email.
Modify User Seat:
- The program will prompt you to enter the email of the user whose seat you want to modify and the new seat.
- After entering the information, it will make a gRPC call to the server to modify the user's seat.
- The response will be printed, showing the details of the modified receipt or indicating that no user was found with the provided email for seat modification.
Run the TrainServer
class first to start the gRPC server, and then run the TrainClient
class to interact with the server. Adjust the prompts and input as needed during the execution of the client application.
Generate Java code from the protocol buffer file using the protoc compiler:
protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc-java=/path/to/protoc-gen-grpc-java --java_out=src --grpc-java_out=src TrainService.proto
Make sure to replace /path/to/protoc-gen-grpc-java with the actual path to the protoc-gen-grpc-java plugin on your machine.