Calculate something about an element and refresh it as browser resizes
If using npm based system,
npm install element-calcum
var elCalcum = require('element-calcum');
Altenately for a standalone window global, download the latest element-calcum.js build here and include it in your script to have a global window.elCalcum available.
<script src="element-calcum.js"></script>
Suppose you want to calculate the widths of divs and paragraphs that have a class with the string 'col' in it. (like 'col-sm-12', 'col-md-3', ...)
if you provide it with nothing but the selector it will calculate the offSetWidth by default
selector: 'p[class*="col"],div[class*="col"]'
The power comes in giving it a callback to do your own calculation
Example basic css to (optionally) show the data using css content (attr()). Adjust to your liking, including position, display, ...
p[class*="col"]:after,div[class*="col"]:after { /* this typically matches the 'selector' value you passed into the js */
content: attr(data-offsetWidth); /*use the label you gave. 'data-[label]' */
/* arbitrary label styles*/
background-color: salmon;
color: white;
padding: 3px 2px;
right: 0;
If your label is affecting height/width or some other layout value, you might want to use absolute positioning so that it doesn't factor in. for example
[class*="col"]:before {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
Here's an example calculating widths of all paragraphs and divs with 'col' element.offsetWidth.
var size = require('element-size');
var elCalcum = require('element-calcum');
selector: 'p[class*="col"],div[class*="col"]',
label: 'element-size',// = data-element-size attribute
units: 'px', //up to you to decide what the units are (if any) since it's your calculation
labelVisible: 0, //hide the label text from the result
callback: function(el){ //the actual calculation of the calcum
return el.offsetWidth;
Example of using another event to trigger the recalculation besides the default 'resize' on window that is used
If you want another event (like clicking a button, ), use eventOnElem
for the element the event is happening on (default is window
) and event
for the event name (default is 'resize'). Here is an example of triggerinng the recalculation of the element sizes by clicking a button that is in the markup. This time using the element-size :
<button class="refresh">Refresh calculation!</button>
selector: '[class*="container"]>[class*="box"]',
label: 'element-size',
units: 'px',
labelVisible: 0,
eventOnElem: document.querySelector('button[class="refresh"]'),
event: 'click',
callback: function(el){
return size(el)[0];
An example of a range slider to control the height. Using the dom-style for convenience.
<div class="som-div">...</div>
<div class="slider">
<label for=height-slider>adjust height</label>
<input type=range min=100 max=300 value=100 class="height-slider" id=height-slider step=1 >
selector: '.container-flex-direction-column [class*="box"], .container-flex-direction-column-no-height [class*="box"] ',
label: 'height', //data-height
units: 'px',
labelVisible: 1,
//recalculate when the range slider is adjusted
eventOnElem: document.querySelector('.height-slider'),
event: 'change',
callback: function(el){
return size(el)[1];
//when the range slider is adjusted, adjust the css height of some-div
document.querySelector('.height-slider').addEventListener('change', function(e){
var slider =;
slider.nextElementSibling.textContent = slider.value + ' px';
style(document.querySelector('.some-div'), {
'height': slider.value + 'px'
Building the standalone global:
git clone
cd element-calcum
npm install
npm run build-standalone-global