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Personal Linux / Unix dot files 2024. Recently cleaned them up and using a barebone approach for managing them. The old ones can be still found in the dotfiles-old repo.


Distro: Gentoo, NixOS, Arch ..
Terminal: kitty, alacritty, urxvt, st
Shell: fish, zsh + zinit + bullet-train
Editor: neovim, doom emacs, vim
DM: sddm, none
WM: sway, hyprland, xmonad, qtile, bspwm, i3
Launcher: rofi, wofi
Browser: firefox, chromium, vivalidi


  • Gentoo -- Main distro for ages, see gentoo-config
  • NixOS -- Secondary distro, see nixos-config
  • Arch Linux -- Some older notebooks, Docker hosts
  • Proxmox -- Home servers
  • FreeBSD -- Home servers

Shells and terminals

  • kitty, alacritty, urxvt and st -- In this order
  • fish -- Slowly replacing zsh
  • zsh -- After the end of zshinit, I'm slowly moving to fish
  • zinit -- Fast plugin manager for zsh
  • bullet-train -- My zsh theme

Windowmanagers / Display Manager

  • sway(fx) - Switched back 2024, my main WM 2024
  • hyprland -- Playground main WM, still missing scratchpads like sway
  • xmonad -- 2nd most used WM, when the hype is over and i go back to X11
  • qtile -- Still in love
  • bspwm -- Before xmonad
  • i3-gaps -- Before bspwm
  • sddm -- display manager (Rarely use one nowadays)


  • bumblebee status -- Bar on i3 / sway
  • waybar -- Bar for Hyprland / sway
  • xmobar -- Bar for xmonad
  • polybar -- Bar for bspwm


  • neovim -- My daily driver since 2022
  • Visual Studio Code -- haven't started it for a long time
  • Jetbrains IDEs (PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, WebStorm..) -- Still prefering them for certain projects and languages over VS Code and neovim (Intellij Code)
  • Doom Emacs -- Main IDE back in the early 2020s


  • mako -- Default bar for Hyprland and sway
  • dunst -- Still my favorite, test it with notify-send


  • swaylock / swaylock-effects -- wayland
  • i3lock-fancy-rapid -- Very fast rewrite of i3lock-fancy in C++


  • Hack Nerd Font
  • DejavuSansMono
  • Font Awesome

Other tools

  • maim -- Screenshots
  • grim + slurp -- Wayland Screenshots
  • wayland-ocr -- Helper script for OCR from content
  • rofi / wofi -- My default launcher


These are the people whom I've taken inspiration from while writing these configs. There surely are more but I tend to forget. Regardless, I am thankful to all of them.

hlissner - fufexan - distrotube - alexays - zeroruka ...