a P2P Realtime Slideshow Platform based on WebRTC.
The following data are transferred between host and viewers using WebRTC:
session { index, on, name }
: (viewer -> host) the session info and status of the viewerslide { index, title, surl, data }
: (host -> viewers) the broadcasted data of current slideresponse
: (viewer -> host) the response datamessage
: (host -> viewer) the direct data to particular viewers
Plugins of slides and editors can be any urls that are embedded using
<iframe sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-modals allow-pointer-lock allow-orientation-lock allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-downloads"></iframe>
It could interact with ASlide framework through window.postMessage
transferring JSON string of objects, with the following protocol:
pluginMsgOut { // from plugin to ASlide
// must be sent first
ready: 1, // start listening
// ONLY for slide page:
response: {/* resp object */}, // submit resp
// ONLY for editor page:
slide: {/* slide object */} // update slide
messages: { // direct message to viewer
[session]: {/* message object */},
pluginMsgIn { // from ASlide to plugin
// update slide
slide: {/* slide object */},
// ONLY for slide page
session: 'current session id', // reply on ready
message: {/* message object */}, // direct message from host
// ONLY for editor page:
responses: { // incremental update
[session]: {/* resp object */},
sessions: { // incremental update
[session]: {/* session info */},