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zMCdarc edited this page Aug 6, 2016 · 6 revisions

To prevent conflicts with other commands all commands start with /noppes. For the most part auto completion works so you can easily go through the commands by pressing the tab key.

为了避免指令冲突, 全部指令都以/noppes开头. 对于大多数的自动完成的东西, 你可以轻松地使用TAB键完成.

For command parameters inbetween <> are mandatory, parameters inbetween [ ] are optional.

命令参数中, <>为必填项, []则为可选项. 命令默认不加/

Help 帮助

<command>: Show information about the command

eg: /noppes help faction

  • <命令>: 显示命令详情(帮助)
  • 例如: /noppes help <想查看帮助的子命令>

Script 脚本

Reload: reloads script from <yourworld>/customnpcs/scripts

eg: /noppes script reload

  • Reload: 从"<存档>/customnpcs/scripts"重载脚本
  • 例如: /noppes script reload

Config 配置

Guns [true/false] : Enable/Disable guns shooting
Freezenpcs [true/false] : Freezes/Unfreezes npcs
Vinegrowth [true/false] : Enable/Disable vines growing
LeavesDecay [true/false] : Enable/Disable leaves automatically dissapearing
Chunkloaders [number] : Set how many chunkloader jobs can be active at one time (Default: 20)
Icemelts [true/false/semi] : Enable/Disable ice turning into water when near a light source
Font [type] [size] : Changes the minecraft font used in dialogs. Default font size is 18. Want to use the minecraft font, simply use ‘/noppes config font minecraft’

eg: /noppes config icemelts false

  • Guns [true/false] : 启用/停用枪支(是否能射击)
  • Freezenpcs [true/false] : 冻结/解冻NPC
  • Vinegrowth [true/false] : 允许/禁止藤蔓生长
  • LeavesDecay [true/false]: 启用/禁用树叶自动消失
  • Chunkloaders [序号] : 设置区块加载者(职业)活动间隔(默认为: 20)(单位: s)
  • Icemelts [true/false/semi] : 如果附近有光源, 冰是否会变成水.
  • Font [字体] [大小] : 改变对话中的字体. 默认字体大小为18. 输入"/noppes config font minecraft"改回minecraft字体.
  • 例如: /noppes config icemelts false 这样旁边有光源(火把萤石)冰也不会化


Home [x] [y] [z]: Sets the home of the npc to players current position
Create: Creates and npc at the place you are standing
Delete: Deletes the npc
Visible : Makes an npc visible or invisible
Owner [player]: When a name is given it sets the owner of that follower/companion to the player
Name : Changes the npcs name

eg: /noppes npc SomeNPCName create

  • Home [x] [y] [z] : 将NPC的老家(重生点)设置在玩家位置
  • Create: 在你站着的地方创建一个NPC
  • Delete: 删除NPC
  • Visible : NPC是否可见
  • Owner [玩家]: 设置随从/同伴的主人
  • Name : 更改NPC名称
  • 例如: /noppes npc SomeNPCName create 即可创建一个NPC叫做"SomeNPCName"
  • x y z都是坐标. 按F3可查看.

Slay 击杀

all [range]: Removes all nearby entities except npcs within optional range.
items [range]: Removes all nearby dropped items
animals [range]: Removes nearby animals
mobs [range]: Removes nearby monsters
<entityname> [range]: Removes nearby <entityname>.

eg: /noppes slay pig cow items 60 (Removes all pigs, cows and dropped items within 60 blocks)

  • all [范围]: 杀掉以玩家为中心的范围内所有不是npc的实体
  • items [范围]: 移除范围内所有凋落物
  • animals [范围]: 杀死所有范围内的动物
  • mobs [范围]: 杀死所有范围内的怪物
  • <实体名> [范围]: 移除范围内指定实体
  • eg: /noppes slay pig cow items 60 (移除60格方块内的所有猪牛凋落物)

Clone 克隆

List <tab>: Gives a list of server sided clones from given tab
Add <npc> <tab> [clonedname]: Clones nearby npc into the given tab
Del <name> <tab>: Removes cloned entity/npc from given tab
Spawn <name> <tab> [[world:]x,y,z] [newname]: Spawns given entity from tab. The world variable is for in which dimension (0:overworld, 1:nether, -1:end) if none is given it will spawn in player/commandblocks dimension.

eg: /noppes clone spawn somename 0 50,50,50

  • List <tag>: 通过TAG获取服务端克隆NPC列表
  • Add <npc> <tag> [克隆名]: 克隆附近的npc到指定标签
  • Del <name> <tag>: 从指定标签移除附近的npc
  • Spawn <name> <tag> [[world:]x,y,z] [新名称]: 从标签生成一个NPC. 世界变量是在哪里生成 (0:全世界, 1:地狱, -1:末地) 如果未给出, 则自动生成在玩家所在世界.
  • 例子: /noppes clone spawn somename 0 50,50,50

Faction 派系

Add <points>: Adds points to the player factionsdata
Subtract <points>: Subtracts points to the player factionsdata
Set <points>: Sets points to the player factionsdata
Reset: Resets player to default faction points for given faction
Drop: Removes the faction from the players factiondata

eg: /noppes faction PlayerName 1 add 100

  • Add <点数>: 给玩家添加派系点数
  • Subtract <点数>: 移除玩家指定数量派系点数
  • Set <点数>: 设置玩家派系点数
  • Reset: 重设玩家的派系点数为默认值
  • Drop: 移除一个派系
  • 梨子: /noppes faction PlayerName 1 add 100 为玩家PlayerName在派系1中添加100派系点数

Quest 任务

Start <player> <quest>: Starts quest for player with the given quest id
Finish <player> <quest>: Set quest for player to finished/completed
Stop <player> <quest>: Stops quest for player, this is for active quests
Remove <player> <quest>: Removes quest from player this goes for active and finished quests
  • Start <玩家> <任务ID>: 让玩家开始指定任务
  • Finish <玩家> <任务ID>: 设置玩家是否已经完成一个任务了
  • Stop <玩家> <任务ID>: 停止玩家正在进行的任务
  • Remove <玩家> <任务ID>: 移除玩家正在进行/已完成的任务

Dialog 对话

Read <player> <dialog>: Sets the dialog for the player as read with given dialog id
Unread <player> <dialog>: Sets the dialog for the player as unread
Reload: Reloads all dialogs from your world folder, incase you edited them outside of the game
  • Read <玩家> <对话id>: 为玩家设置指定id对话为已阅
  • Unread <玩家r> <对话id>: 为玩家设置指定id对话为未读
  • Reload: 从世界文件夹中重载所有对话. 这样就可以更加方便地在游戏外编辑了.
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