Ghost ESP is a firmware designed for ESP32 microcontrollers, offering a comprehensive WiFi and BLE testing toolkit. It provides various features that should be used responsibly
- WiFi scanning
- Station scanning
- SSID spamming
- BLE spamming for major brands (iOS, Windows, Android, Samsung)
- DIAL connect to interact with DIAL-enabled devices (YouTube, Netflix, Roku)
- Rainbow LED mode
Ghost ESP firmware supports the following ESP32 boards:
- ESP32 Wroom
- ESP32 S2
- ESP32 C3
- ESP32 C6
- ESP32 S3
Additional board support can be added depending on PlatformIO support and configuration in the main project's platformio.ini file..
Please note that the BLE spam feature may not work on the ESP32 WROOM due to limited resources, which cause the ESP to crash.
- A big thank you to JustCallMeKoKo for providing a base to familiarize myself with the ESP32.
- Gratitude to thibauts for the initial insights and inspiration on the CastV2 protocol.
- Appreciation to MarcoLucidi01 for the motivation and groundwork on the DIAL protocol, which helped in porting it to the ESP32.