'TheCalculator' is a simple jquery-ui plugin that lets you add a working calculator in your webpage!!
Run the following commands to get the copy of the plugin
# clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/leosartaj/jquery.ss.calculator.git
<!-- File dependencies -->
<script src="(path)/(jquery)"></script>
<script src="(path)/(jquery-ui-core)"></script>
<script src="(path)/(jquery-ui-widget)"></script>
<script src="(path)/(jquery-ui-button)"></script>
<link rel=stylesheet href="(path)/(jquery-ui-css)">
<!-- plugin file -->
<script src="(path)/jquery.thecalculator.js"></script>
<!-- custom css -->
<link rel=stylesheet href="(path)/(your_custom_css)">
jQuery(function($) {
// select an empty div tag and call calculator() to initialize
An example file can be found in example/example.html