A notification-focused accessory project to complement your Android phone and other wearables
- Everyone gets notifications
- Phones promised to bring us all closer together
- Globally that's true; but locally they've tended to have the opposite effect
- Watches promised to help save us from the tyranny of our phones
- But nope, looking at your watch while hanging out with people probably sends worse social signals than looking at your phone
You're basically faced with two options:
- Prioritize the people you're hanging out with (and maybe miss an actually important notification)
- Prioritize your notifications (at the loss of focus on the people you're with)
Neither option is necessarily ideal. This what gabeldorsche tries to address.
- Encode the app in a vibration pattern
- Some apps are more ignorable than others, depending on the context
- Encode the sender in a secondary vibration pattern (if parsable from the notification)
- Some people are more ignorable than others, depending on the context
- Most devices really only have one axis to play with: time
- Gabeldorsche adds another axis: space
- Currently 4 motors placed around a belt: front-left, front-right, back-right, and back-left
- This gives us a broader encoding space - improving mnemonic qualities
- If something is worthy of pulling you away from the people you might be hanging out with, the sender can include #urgent in their message and gabeldorsche will indicate it to you
- [TODO: sketch out abuse handling, probably boy-who-cried-wolf style]