A tool to run major updates to macOS.. eg 10.14->10.15.. 10.15 -> 10.16
--dry-run runs without pop-ups and doesn't do anything
-t target eg 10.15
-i interactive mode, provides a choice about installing instead of just doing it
- dosen't matter if users are admin
- makes sure they have at least x% battery
- provides a feedback window when all the things are happening
- low probabability of users messing this up
- you will need JamfPro (enrolled?) installed on the target computer
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/\ jamfHelper.app/Contents/MacOS/jamfHelper
- needs python 3.7, so create a distributable python
- get the diistributable python and this script on the end user computer
- run things:
/opt/companyname/python3.7 /opt/companyname/poller/poller.py -t 10.15