A webextension version of zapsCoolPhotonTheme. Loosely based on Paxmod.
- Firefox Developer Edition, Nightly, or ESR.
set totrue
set tofalse
This is just a simple way of differentiating the ESR versions and the Nightly/Dev versions.
- Firefox ESRv0.18.2.1
- Firefox Developer and Nightly
This version acts like the rolling release, (almost) every commit that gets pushed to the main repo is also another new version of the extension.
To prevent the theme from flickering randomly (due to updates), v0.23.0 and later won't update mid-session and will only update on launch of the browser.
The Fira Code, Fira Sans, and Zilla Slab fonts are all under the license linked below: https://github.com/zapSNH/zcpt-webextension/blob/main/option/fonts/OFL.txt