##Push-to-make buttons (use debounce logic and polling on a timer, not enough interrupts)
##Rotary encoders Illuminated RGB Quadrature
todo: Fork from Mercurial into git - for now use QEI
mbed add http://os.mbed.com/users/aberk/code/QEI/
#Display Red on black 16x2 LCD - part discontinued.
If you are on Windblows and using Visual Studio code (free), then these notes may help.
- install pyocd
- install libusb - the 32-bit dll into c:\python37 (the 64-bit dll is not going to get loaded by the python interpreter dwarves, even though you might be hopeing it will.)
- run openocd
- go to your .elf file folder (in a new shell)
- run gdb
arm-none-eabi-gdb ...
As usual it goes all wrong again at this point, so i am pasting notes from Steve Mylroie'e Slideshare