Load the database and insert data via web terminal:
psql -h postgres -U tiago -d e2 \i ~/data/e2-tables.sql \i ~/data/tiago_inserts.sql
Create and activate a conda enviroment to download flask and other things: Install conda if u don't have it
conda create -n sbid python=3.9 conda activate sbid pip install -r e3/app/requirements.txt
Move to e3/app:
cd e3/app Run application in command line (recommend this one) flask --app app run --debug --reload Or run the file: python app.py
Activate the conda env
conda activate sbid Move to e3/app: cd e3/app Run application in command line: flask --app app run --debug --reload Or run the file: python app.py
##to test view consultation go to appointment 7 elena lifelong