React calendar component. Displays daily events for each month.
This package is available via npm:
$ npm install react-data-calendar
Simply import the component into your application and render with React:
var React = require("react");
var Calendar = require("react-data-calendar");
React.render(<Calendar />, document.body);
Already have the events? Fantastic! Here's how you could display them:
var React = require("react");
var Calendar = require("react-data-component");
var ITEMS = {
months: {
// January
"0": {
days: {
"1": [
{link: true, url: "", text: "A link to content"},
{link: false, url: null, text: "Some other content"}
"2": [
{link: false, url: null, text: "Some other content"}
// March
"2": {
days: {
"7": [
{link: true, url: "", text: "A link to content"},
{link: false, url: null, text: "Some other content"}
"20": [
{link: false, url: null, text: "Some other content"}
React.render(<Calendar data={ITEMS} />, document.body);
Styles for react-data-calendar
are found in dist/styles.css
NOTE - This is still a work-in-progress and subject to change.
You can build both the src JS and LESS with the npm build
$ npm run-script build
Or, build them separately:
// build JS
$ npm run-script build-js
// build LESS
$ npm run-script build-less