Imports downloaded tcx-Files from from Google-Fit over NightScout API into your NS.
Go to:
Choice only "Google-Fit"
Click to next Button
Click on "create Archiv" Button.
Wait until your Archiv is done.
Or look at:
Download your Archiv to your Server/Linux-Shell/Windows-PHP Unpack it.
Adjust the Settings in "".
The "googlefitdir", can be have Problems, when you have specoaö characters (äö..., german, chinese, russian....) inside the Folder names. Rename it to like /Takeout/Fit/working/
Adjust the Name in the
Important: it use only the Files from "Activity" and not from "Low Accuary" and not from "Daily Aggregations". But you can change the folder in the and run the script again.
Then, call the importer-skript: \
php7 -f import-google-fit-to-ns.php
Important! This code/classes are very old and can be optimized :-) You use it, how it is. Or update/made it better :-)