👩💻Software Engineer with experience working on projects using technologies such as Python, JavaScript, Docker, FastAPI, MongoDB, SQL, React, and some Amazon web services. 🤓I'm constantly on a journey of exploration and learning, with a special focus on DevOps and cloud computing.
const aboutMe = {
pronouns: "she" | "her",
code: [Python, Javascript, Typescript],
technologies: {
backEnd: ["Django", "Express", "Node.js"],
frontEnd: ["React", "CSS", "AntDesign"],
databases: ["MongoDB", "PostgreSQL"],
devOps: ["Docker", "Github Actions"],
cloud: ["Amazon Web Services"],
currentOccupation: "Tech fellow at VelezReyes+"],
learningMore: ["Cloud Computing", "DevOps", "CI/CD"],
⭐️ From ZeldaCamila