- 038ee12 [bug] use response crawler for dumping elements (Kevin Bond)
- 256c9be [feature] add ability to "use" response (Kevin Bond)
- 5d36412 [feature] make Browser::response() public (Kevin Bond)
- 9351c6e [bug] mark failing tests as incomplete for later fix (Kevin Bond)
- ffea153 [bug] fix getting the title html tag in PantherBrowser (Kevin Bond)
- cab7a34 [bug] return null for JsonResponse::json() if content is empty (Kevin Bond)
- a82ed99 [feature] assertJson improvements: (Kevin Bond)
- 496aa54 [minor] add Symfony 5.3/5.4-dev to CI test matrix (#36) (Kevin Bond)
- 346305a [minor] update php-cs-fixer to v3 (Kevin Bond)
- e3ed8a4 [minor] fix symfony 5.3 deprecation (Kevin Bond)
- a4bd32a [minor] fix symfony 5.3 deprecation (Kevin Bond)
- 22da239 [minor] lock php-cs-fixer due to bug (Kevin Bond)
- 91ad135 [minor] adjust codecov threshold (Kevin Bond)