An iOS module you can use in your app to offer cool transport stuff to your users.
NavitiaSDKUX is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "NavitiaSDKUI"
Parameters | Type | Required | Description | Example |
NavitiaSDKUI.shared.token | String | ✓ | Navitia token (generate a token on | 0de19ce5-e0eb-4524-a074-bda3c6894c19 |
NavitiaSDKUI.shared.mainColor | UIColor | ✗ | To set the background and the journey's duration colors | by default UIColor(red: 64/255, green: 149/255, blue: 142/255, alpha: 1) |
NavitiaSDKUI.shared.originColor | UIColor | ✗ | To set the color of the origin icon and the roadmap departure bloc | by default UIColor(red: 0, green: 187/255, blue: 117/255, alpha: 1) |
NavitiaSDKUI.shared.destinationColor | UIColor | ✗ | To set the color of the destination icon and the roadmap arrival bloc | by default UIColor(red: 176/255, green: 3/255, blue: 83/255, alpha: 1) |
NavitiaSDKUI.shared.multiNetwork | Boolean | ✗ | To set the display of the network name in the roadmap | by default false |
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
NavitiaSDKUI.shared.initialize(token: "my-token")
NavitiaSDKUI.shared.mainColor = UIColor(red: 64.0/255, green: 149.0/255, blue: 142.0/255, alpha: 1)
NavitiaSDKUI.shared.originColor = UIColor(red: 0, green: 187.0/255, blue: 117.0/255, alpha: 1)
NavitiaSDKUI.shared.destinationColor = UIColor(red: 176.0/255, green: 3.0/255, blue: 83.0/255, alpha: 1)
NavitiaSDKUI.shared.multiNetwork = true
return true
Parameters | Type | Required | Description | Example |
originId | String | ✓ | Origin coordinates, following the format lon;lat |
"2.3665844;48.8465337" |
destinationId | String | ✓ | Destination coordinates, following the format lon;lat |
"2.2979169;48.8848719" |
originLabel | String | ✗ | Origin label, if not set the address will be displayed | "Home" |
destinationLabel | String | ✗ | Destination label, if not set the address will be displayed | "Work" |
datetime | Date | ✗ | Requested date and time for journey results | Date() |
datetimeRepresents | String | ✗ | Can be .departure (journeys after datetime) or .arrival (journeys before datetime). |
.departure |
forbiddenUris | [String] | ✗ | Used to avoid lines, modes, networks, etc in the Journey search (List of navitia uris) | ["commercial_mode:Bus", "line:1"] |
allowedId | [String] | ✗ | If you want to use only a small subset of the public transport objects in the Journey search (List of navitia uris) | ["commercial_mode:Bus", "line:1"] |
firstSectionModes | [Enum] | ✗ | List of modes to use at the begining of the journey | [.walking, .car, .bike, .bss, .ridesharing] |
lastSectionModes | [Enum] | ✗ | List of modes to use at the end of the journey | [.walking, .car, .bike, .bss, .ridesharing] |
count | Integer | ✗ | The number of journeys that will be displayed | 3 |
minNbJourneys | Integer | ✗ | The minimum number of journeys that will be displayed | 3 |
maxNbJourneys | Integer | ✗ | The maximum number of journeys that will be displayed | 10 |
addPoiInfos | [Enum] | ✗ | Allow the display of the availability in real time for bike share and car park | [.bss_stands, .car_park] |
directPath | Enum | ✗ | To indicate if the journey is direct | .only |
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Init a set of parameters
var journeysRequest = JourneysRequest(originId: "2.3665844;48.8465337", destinationId: "2.2979169;48.8848719")
journeysRequest.originLabel = "My Home"
journeysRequest.firstSectionModes = [.walking, .car, .bike, .bss, .ridesharing]
journeysRequest.addPoiInfos = [.bssStands, .carPark]
journeysRequest.count = 5
let bundle = Bundle(identifier: "org.cocoapods.NavitiaSDKUI")
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Journey", bundle: bundle)
let journeyResultsViewController = storyboard.instantiateInitialViewController() as! ListJourneysViewController
journeyResultsViewController.journeysRequest = journeysRequest
// Invoke the screen using a navigation controller
navigationController?.pushViewController(journeyResultsViewController, animated: true)
var journeysRequest = JourneysRequest(originId: "2.3665844;48.8465337", destinationId: "2.2979169;48.8848719")
var journeysRequest = JourneysRequest(originId: "2.3665844;48.8465337", destinationId: "2.2979169;48.8848719")
journeysRequest.firstSectionModes = [.bike]
journeysRequest.lastSectionModes = [.bike]
var journeysRequest = JourneysRequest(originId: "2.3665844;48.8465337", destinationId: "2.2979169;48.8848719")
journeysRequest.firstSectionModes = [.bss]
journeysRequest.lastSectionModes = [.bss]
journeysRequest.addPoiInfos = [.bssStands]
var journeysRequest = JourneysRequest(originId: "2.3665844;48.8465337", destinationId: "2.2979169;48.8848719")
journeysRequest.firstSectionModes = [.car]
journeysRequest.addPoiInfos = [.car_park]
var journeysRequest = JourneysRequest(originId: "2.3665844;48.8465337", destinationId: "2.2979169;48.8848719")
journeysRequest.firstSectionModes = [.ridesharing]
journeysRequest.lastSectionModes = [.ridesharing]
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Customizing transport mode icons and other resources is made possible. To use this feature, you should rename your image resource to match the resource name found below.
The following resources can be overridden:
Mode | Resource name |
Air | journey_mode_air |
Bike | journey_mode_bike |
BSS | journey_mode_bss |
Bus | journey_mode_bus |
Car | journey_mode_car |
Coach | journey_mode_coach |
Crow fly | journey_mode_crow_fly |
Ferry | journey_mode_ferry |
Funicular | journey_mode_funicular |
Metro | journey_mode_metro |
Rapid transit | journey_mode_rapidtransit |
Ridesharing | journey_mode_ridesharing |
Shuttle | journey_mode_shuttle |
Taxi | journey_mode_taxi |
Train | journey_mode_train |
Tramway | journey_mode_tramway |
Walking | journey_mode_walking |
Context | Resource name |
Parking availability | journey_realtime_park |
Context | Resource name |
Departure | journey_departure |
Arrival | journey_arrival |
My position | journey_my_position |
Address | journey_address |
POI | journey_poi |
Stop area | journey_stop_area |
Ridesharing pin | journey_ridesharing_pin |
Check out the NavitiaSDKUI iOS License here.