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Utilities for casting values using the DataModel package.


  • PHP 8.1 or higher.
  • The DataModel Composer package


Install Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper via Composer:

composer require zero-to-prod/data-model-helper

This will add the package to your project’s dependencies and create an autoloader entry for it.


Including the Trait

Include the DataModelHelper trait in your class to access helper methods:

class DataModelHelper
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;

Helper Methods


Use when to call a function based on a condition.

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;

        'cast' => [self::class, 'when'],
        'eval' => <<<'PHP'                      // Provides (mixed $value, array $context, ?ReflectionAttribute $Attribute, ?ReflectionProperty $Property)
            $value >= $context["value_2"]       // The expression to evaluate.
        'true' => [MyAction::class, 'passed'],  // Optional. Invoked when condition is true.
        'false' => [MyAction::class, 'failed'], // Optional. Invoked when condition is true.
        'required',                             // Throws PropertyRequiredException when value not present.
    public string $value;


Create a map of any type by using the DataModelHelper::mapOf() method.

use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;
    /** @var Collection<int, Alias> $Aliases */
        'cast' => [self::class, 'mapOf'], // Casting method to use
        'type' => Alias::class,           // Target type for each item
        'required',                       // Throws PropertyRequiredException when value not present
        'coerce' => true,                 // Coerce single elements into an array
        'using' => [self::class, 'map'],  // Custom mapping function
        'map_via' => 'mapper',            // Custom mapping method (defaults to 'map')
        'map' => [self::class, 'keyBy'],  // Run a function for that value.
        'level' => 1,                     // The dimension of the array. Defaults to 1.
        'key_by' => 'key',                // Key an associative array by a field.
    public Collection $Aliases;


In this case the mapOf() method returns an array of Alias instances.

This method will also work with enums.

use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;
    /** @var Alias[] $Aliases */
        'cast' => [self::class, 'mapOf'],  // Use the mapOf helper method
        'type' => Alias::class,            // Target type for each item
        'required',                        // Throws PropertyRequiredException when value not present
    public array $Aliases;
    /** @var Name[] $Names */
        'cast' => [self::class, 'mapOf'],
        'type' => Name::class,
    public ?array $Names;

class Alias
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    public string $name;

enum Name: string
    case Tom = 'Tom';
    case John = 'John';

$User = User::from([
    'Aliases' => [
        ['name' => 'John Doe'],
        ['name' => 'John Smith'],
    'Names' => [

echo $User->Aliases[0]->name; // Outputs: John Doe
echo $User->Aliases[1]->name; // Outputs: John Smith
echo $User->Names[0]; // Enum Name::Tom
echo $User->Names[1]; // Enum Name::John

Laravel Collection Example

The mapOf helper is designed to work will with the \Illuminate\Support\Collection class.

use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;
    /** @var Collection<int, Alias> $Aliases */
        'cast' => [self::class, 'mapOf'],
        'type' => Alias::class,
        'required', // Throws PropertyRequiredException when value not present
    public \Illuminate\Support\Collection $Aliases;

class Alias
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    public string $name;

$User = User::from([
    'Aliases' => [
        ['name' => 'John Doe'],
        ['name' => 'John Smith'],

echo $User->Aliases->first()->name; // Outputs: John Doe


Sometimes, an attribute may contain either a single element or an array of elements. By setting 'coerce' => true, you can ensure that single elements are coerced into an array.

use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;
    /** @var Alias[] $Aliases */
        'cast'   => [self::class, 'mapOf'],
        'type'   => Alias::class,
        'coerce' => true, // Coerce single elements into an array
        'required',       // Throws PropertyRequiredException when value not present
    public array $Aliases;

class Alias
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    public string $name;

$User = User::from([
    'Aliases' => ['name' => 'John Doe'], // Single element instead of an array

echo $User->Aliases[0]->name; // Outputs: John Doe

Using a Custom Mapping Function

Specify your mapping function by setting the using option.

use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;
    /** @var Collection $Aliases */
        'cast'  => [self::class, 'mapOf'],
        'type'  => Alias::class,
        'using' => [self::class, 'map'], // Use custom mapping function
        'required',                      // Throws PropertyRequiredException when value not present
    public Collection $Aliases;

    public static function map(array $values): Collection
        // Map each value to an Alias instance
        $items = array_map(fn($value) => Alias::from($value), $values);

        // Return as a Collection
        return new Collection($items);

class Alias
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    public string $name;

class Collection
    public array $items;

    public function __construct(array $items = [])
        $this->items = $items;

$User = User::from([
    'Aliases' => [
        ['name' => 'John Doe'],

echo $User->Aliases->items[0]->name; // Outputs: John Doe

Specifying a Custom Mapping Method

By default, the map method is used to map over elements. You can specify a different method using the map_via option.

use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;
    /** @var Collection $Aliases */
        'cast'    => [self::class, 'mapOf'],
        'type'    => Alias::class,
        'map_via' => 'mapper', // Use custom mapping method for the `Collection` class.
        'required',            // Throws PropertyRequiredException when value not present
    public Collection $Aliases;

class Alias
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;

    public string $name;

class Collection
    public array $items;

    public function __construct(array $values)
        $this->items = $values;

    public function mapper(callable $callable): Collection
        $this->items = array_map($callable, $this->items);
        return $this;

$User = User::from([
    'Aliases' => [
        ['name' => 'John Doe'],

echo $User->Aliases->items[0]->name; // Outputs: John Doe

Deep Mapping

You can set the level for mapping deep arrays.

use Zerotoprod\DataModel\Describe;

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;
    /** @var Alias[] $Aliases */
        'cast' => [self::class, 'mapOf'],   // Use the mapOf helper method
        'type' => Alias::class,             // Target type for each item
        'level' => 2,                       // The dimension of the array. Defaults to 1.
        'required',                         // Throws PropertyRequiredException when value not present
    public array $Aliases;

class Alias
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    public string $name;

$User = User::from([
    'Aliases' => [
            ['name' => 'John Doe'],
            ['name' => 'John Smith'],

echo $User->Aliases[0][0]->name; // Outputs: John Doe
echo $User->Aliases[0][1]->name; // Outputs: John Smith


Key an array by an element value by using the key_by argument.

This also supports deep mapping.

Note: this only applies to arrays.

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;
    /** @var Alias[] $Aliases */
        'cast' => [self::class, 'mapOf'],   
        'type' => Alias::class,             
        'key_by' => 'id',
        'required', // Throws PropertyRequiredException when value not present
    public array $Aliases;

class Alias
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    public string $id;
    public string $name;

$User = User::from([
    'Aliases' => [
            'id' => 'jd1',
            'name' => 'John Doe',
            'id' => 'js1',
            'name' => 'John Smith'

echo $User->Aliases['jd1']->name;  // 'John Doe'
echo $User->Aliases['js1']->name); // 'John Smith'


Call a function for that value.

Note: This does not work with arrays.

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;
    /** @var Alias[] $Aliases */
        'cast' => [self::class, 'mapOf'],   
        'type' => Alias::class,             
        'map' => [self::class, 'keyBy'],
        'required', // Throws PropertyRequiredException when value not present
    public Collection $Aliases;
    public static function keyBy(Collection $values): Collection
        return $values->keyBy('id');

class Alias
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    public string $id;
    public string $name;

$User = User::from([
    'Aliases' => [
            'id' => 'jd1',
            'name' => 'John Doe',

echo $User->Aliases->get('jd1')->name;  // 'John Doe'


Use pregReplace to perform a regular expression search and replace.

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;
    public const ascii_only = '/[^\x00-\x7F]/';

        'cast' => [self::class, 'pregReplace'],
        'pattern' => ascii_only,
        'replacement' => '!' // defaults to '' when not specified
        'required',          // Throws PropertyRequiredException when value not present
    public string $name;

$User = User::from([
    'name' => 'Trophy🏆',

echo $User->name; // Outputs: 'Trophy!'


Use pregMatch to perform a regular expression match.

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;

        'cast' => [self::class, 'pregMatch'],
        'pattern' => '/s/', // Required
        'match_on' => 0 // Index of the $matches to return
        'flags' => PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL
        'offset' => 0,
        'required', // Throws PropertyRequiredException when value not present
    public string $name;

$User = User::from([
    'name' => 'sarah',

echo $User->name; // Outputs: 's'


Use isUrl to validate an url.

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;

        'cast' => [self::class, 'isUrl'],
        'protocols' => ['http', 'udp'], // Optional. Defaults to all.
        'on_fail' => [MyAction::class, 'method'], // Optional. Invoked when validation fails.
        'exception' => MyCustomException::class, // Optional. Throws an exception when not url.
        'required'  // Optional. Throws \Zerotoprod\DataModel\PropertyRequiredException::class
    public string $url;


Use isEmail to validate an email.

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;

        'cast' => [self::class, 'isEmail'],
        'on_fail' => [MyAction::class, 'method'], // Optional. Invoked when validation fails.
        'exception' => MyCustomException::class, // Optional. Throws an exception when not url.
        'required'  // Optional. Throws \Zerotoprod\DataModel\PropertyRequiredException::class
    public string $url;


Use isMultiple to validate a value is a multiple of another.

class User
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModel\DataModel;
    use \Zerotoprod\DataModelHelper\DataModelHelper;

         'cast' => [self::class, 'isMultiple'],
         'of' => 2                                  // The number the value is a multiple of
         'on_fail' => [MyAction::class, 'method'],  // Optional. Invoked when validation fails.
         'exception' => MyException::class,         // Optional. Throws an exception when not a valid email.
         'required',                                // Throws PropertyRequiredException when value not present.
    public string $url;


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  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature-branch).
  3. Commit changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature').
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature-branch).
  5. Create a new Pull Request.