- Last and final 42 project on common course. This project is about creating a website for the Pong contest. Users will play Pong with others. You will enjoy real-time multiplayer online pong games with random match-making, chat room, direct message, changing profiles, 2FA Auth, managing friends list.
- Tech used on this project: NestJS, NextJS, PostgreSQL
ft_transcendence subject PDF (EN, 2022)
(sudo) make : docker-compose up --build
make fclean : delete completely docker container, volume, network, image
make re : fclean all
You can check swagger API docs on http://localhost:8080/api once you successfully build the docker container
You can check the mount point with command line 'docker volume inspect'
(from the root where you find docker-compose.yml file)
For front : docker restart front
For back : docker restart backend