TypeScript/JavaScript client library for creating and sending shielded ZeroPool transactions.
npm install zeropool-client-js --save
yarn add zeropool-client-js
The default Webpack 5 configuration should be sufficient for this library. The only requirement is that it must properly process the new URL('...', import.meta.url)
Enable the following headers on your server to enable the multithreaded mode:
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
On average, this will speed up the transaction creation process by about 2.5-3 times.
import { init, ZeropoolClient, EvmNetwork } from 'zeropool-client-js';
// Use https://github.com/zeropoolnetwork/libzeropool CLI to generate theese files
const snarkParams = {
transferParamsUrl: '/path/to/transfer/params',
transferVkUrl: '/path/to/transfer/vk',
// Initialize the library.
.then(async (ctx) => {
// Spending key
const sk = new Uint8Array(32);
// Configurations for each supported token.
const tokens = {
'token address': {
poolAddress: '...',
relayerUrl: '...',
const evmRpcUrl = '...';
const network = new EvmNetwork(evmRpcUrl);
const client = await ZeropoolClient.create({
snarkParams: ctx.snarkParams,
worker: ctx.worker,
networkName: 'ethereum',
const signFunction = (data) => sign(data);
await client.deposit(tokenAddress, amountWei, signFunction);