This addon mimics a native select box. It is lightweight and highly flexible.
ember install @zestia/ember-select-box
Add the following to ~/.npmrc
to pull @zestia scoped packages from Github instead of NPM.
- Mimics a native select box, but easily stylable ✔︎
- Navigatable options and groups ✔︎
- Valid Combobox / Listbox ✔︎
- Any HTML you want ✔︎
- Full control at all times with the API ✔︎
- No configuration options ✔︎
- Very few issues over many years of Ember! ✔︎
- Dropdown primitive ✔︎
- Customisable filtering built in ✔︎
- Does not come with any styles
- Does not concern itself with dropdown positioning
(this can be achieved using positioning libraries, or in future, using CSS anchor positioning) - The Dropdown component will be swapped for a Popover when browsers have better support for it.
This addon will automatically render a Combobox or a Listbox, depending on the components you use.
View more details
- Ember Power Select: Requires a data structure to describe the UI
- This addon: Uses markup, like you would with a native select box.
- Native: Selects only 1 option (requires keyboard shortcut)
- This addon Automatically adds or removes
- Reason: Multiple selection can be customised by using
- Native: Selects the option
- This addon: Does not select the option
- Reason: Allows for further customisation
- Native: Forgets current option
- This addon: Remembers current option
- Reason: This is because, the select box still has focus and as such, it is still receptive to user input - like pressing Enter to select that option. It also makes styling the different states easier with CSS and can prevent the active option from jumping around when mousing in and out.
Optional. Fired when the select box is ready. A useful opportunity to get access to the select box's API which is passed as a parameter.
Required. Used to determine which option(s) are selected. This value is compared to the @value
's of the option components.
Optional. Use this provide an initial set of options. See yielded options
Required. Fired when a selection is made (that is, an option is clicked, or enter/space is pressed) and the new value is different to the old value.
Optional. Similar to @onChange
but fires regardless as to whether the value changed or not.
Optional. The default search behaviour filters down the @options
. Use this action to perform a custom search or
see Filtering.
Optional. If true
, the component will be unfocusable and all child components (Trigger
, Input
and Option
s) will also be disabled.
Optional. If true
, @value
is expected to be an array. If an option's value is included in that array, it will be considered 'selected'.
Optional. Fired whenever a selection is made. This function receives the values most recently selected, and the previously selected values. The return value is then used as the final selection. This is primarily used to customise select boxes where @multiple
is true
- because the behaviour for a selection is undefined and totally depends on your use-case.
Optional. Fired when an option is moused over or focused via the keyboard controls
Mimics the user making a selection, and so @onChange
may fire.
Updates the select box with a new value(s). @onChange
will not fire.
The element of the select box
The selected value(s) of the select box
True if the select box is waiting for a search to finish
The query used to produce the latest search results. (This may be different to the current value in the text input).
These are the same options as given to the component via @options
, yielded back to you.
Unless a search has run, in which case they will be the return value from @onSearch
Required. The value of the option.
Optional. Prevents the option from being activated or selected.
The unique id of the option element
The value of the option
The index of the option amongst the options
True if the option is active
Whether or not the option is currently disabled
Whether or not the option is currently selected
A listbox container element to house each option
Required. The group label (similar to the native optgroup
A combobox, which by default filters down the available @options
. Customise this behaviour by providing @onSearch
A combobox, which toggles the select box's dropdown open/closed.
An element to house the content that displays when the select box's dropdown is opened
Optional. Wormhole/Portal element
Optional. Whether or not the select box's dropdown should be in an open state initially.
Optional. Fired when the select box's dropdown is opened
Optional. Fired when the select box's dropdown is closed
Whether the select box's dropdown is open
Opens the select box's dropdown
Opens or closes the select box's dropdown
Closes the select box's dropdown
The element of the select box's dropdown
Since filtering options down (and accounting for diacritics) is a common requirement, this addon comes with a utility to help.
View example
import { filter } from '@zestia/ember-select-box/utils';
* [{
* groupLabel: 'Group 1',
* items: [{
* id: 1,
* name: 'Foo'
* }, {
* id: 2,
* name: 'Bar'
* }]
* }, {
* groupLabel: 'Group 2',
* items: [{
* id: 3,
* name: 'Baz'
* }, {
* id: 4,
* name: 'Qux'
* }]
* }]
handleSearch(query) {
return filter(this.args.options)
Accepts an array of options to filter down.
Required. The query string used to filter each option
Optional. By default the value of each option will be used for filtering. Provide a string to pick a specific key from an option. Provide an array to filter by multiple properties. Or provide a function to pluck your own value.
Optional. Calling this tells the filter function that your data structure contains groups of options, and the key to where those options can be found.
Optional. Tells the filter to exclude groups with no options
Optional. By default each option will be included in the results if it contains the query string. Use this function to provide your own logic to compute whether or not an option should be included.
Kicks off the filter you've configured