- Yanyu Zhang (U47793163) Contact : [email protected]
- Zhou Fang (U03663101) Contact : [email protected]
- We aim to build a Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) peer to peer application (video and audio), like simultaneous interpretation. This app can read the text of what the other person is speaking.
- After that, we plan to build it in differnet languages(Chinese, English, French, Russian, Arabic, Spanish), which mean the speaker speak one language and the listener can receive the text in another.
- For more information about WebRTC, click here
- I, the reporter, want to understand what the different languages speakers say realtime.
- I, the bussinessman, want to understand what the different languages buyers say realtime.
- I, the student, want to watch the online cources in other languages.
- I, the politician, want to comminicate with other countries's speaker.
- Build a WEBRTC peer to peer application.
- The APP can read the text of what the other person is speaking.
- The APP can read the text of what the other person is speaking, and transfer them into other language, like English and Chinese.
- Develop APP for five main languages in the world.
- Build a IOS/Android app and test the performance.
- Firstly, build a WebRTC application and get the audio and video at the same time.
- Secondly, use the speech_recognition to transfer audio to text.
- Thidly, use the google API to translate text into other language.
- Finally, in this way, we can achieve different languages real time communication.
In this project, a big challange is to trnaslate one language to another. So I tested 6 different translators : Google NLP API, Google tranlate URL, Youdao translate API, Youdao translate URL, IBM Watson language translation API and Language Translate package from pip.
Firstly, I tested the performance of these 6 translators from English to Chinese.
- Secondly, I tested the performance of these 6 translators from Chinese to English.
After comparison, I found Google Translate API performs best from English to Chinese, Youdao URL and Youdao API have the best performance translating from Chinese to English. But Youdao URL and Youdao API are sensitive to punctuation.
Youdao URL and Youdao API have the same result. But Google API is different to Google URL.
- 3/18/2020 : Add google NLP API, google tranlate URL, Youdao translate API and Youdao translate URL methods to do the text-to-text translation
- 3/21/2020 : Add IBM Watson language translation API, add WebRTC structure.
- 3/23/2020 : Add a new method to call google URL based on curl.
- 3/25/2020 : Compare the performance of different translators.