Zortrax m200, m300 series reverse engineering to port Klipper.
Becuase Zortrax support is non existant and functionality is outdated and was somewhat limited even back wehn it was a new product.
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Find demarked or unlabeled electtronics compoennt part numbers
- Motor Drivers
- Display / res / driver / touch
MTF0397SWI-06XBL / 480 x 800 / OTM8019A / FT6236
- Android processor / module
Alwinner A33 / A33-Core3
Find demarked or unlabeled mechjanical part numbers (for future serviceability)
- Motors
- Extruder top fan
- Extruder Bot Fans
- Linear bearings
- Extruder bearing
- Extruder sprocekt
- X/Y timing pulleys
- X/Y timing belts
- Optical endstops
Sketch wiring maps, compare wiring, boards:
- M200
- M300
- M200 plus
- M300 plus
- M300 dual
Draft importnat parts of board schematics:
- MCU board (M300P)
- MCU board's "WIFI" piggyback (Goes to Android TFT assy) (M300P)
- MCU board's "DISLPAY" piggyback (Goes to Optical endstops and hosts Buzzer) (M300P)
- Original mono display board (M200)
- Extruder Board (M300P)
- Android board (M300P)
- Android level shifter board (M300P)
- Android Button Board (M300P)
- Android USB Hub board (M300P)
- Android Front USB board (M300P)
- Android USB Ethernet / RJ45 board (M300P)
- M200
- M300
- M200 plus
- M300 plus
- M300 dual
- Start porting it, see what issues come up
Evaluate options:
- It runs on Allwinner A33 - Linux support is somewaht lacking
- Is bootloader locked / eMMC encrypted?
- Custom Android instead of linux if possible?
- Just make a a SOM board with Raspberry Compute, Digi or Variscite SoM to fit same mount and talk to same display and touch?
- Research the CPU support
- Evaluate feasability
- Add vibration sensor for input shaping
- Replace ribbon with wire harness and drag chain
- Bigger motors for 300 series
- Use native Ethernet, if Android board is changed to somehting else
- Add magnetic layer to heatplate to use with flexible paltes
- Add load cells to scan level precisely and without electrical contact (worst design chopice of all M series)