This is an example Flask app, ready to be deployed with a simplified Ansible playbook.
The included deploy playbook will:
- Deploy VMs with Vagrant - master with playbooks and node1 - webserver
- Install system apt packages
- Clone the repo and install Python requirements in a virtualenv
- Configure gunicorn, nginx, ufw and systemd
- Enable and start services
The deploy.yml
playbook is modeled after the manual steps discussed in this digitalocean article using a Ubuntu ML instance.
You'll need Ansible installed and SSH access to any hosts. Customize the .hosts
file as needed.
sudo apt update --yes
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible --yes
git clone
cd flask-ansible-example
vim .hosts
Run the deploy playbook.
ansible-playbook deploy.yml
Test connection with the host. If needed, configure the ssh agent.
ansible webservers -m ping
ssh-add ~/.ssh/example_rsa
Rerun the playbook with verbosity.
ansible-playbook deploy.yml -vvvv
Check the logs on the host.
journalctl -xe
journalctl -u nginx
journalctl -u flask-ansible-example
Check the systemd status of the services on the host.
sudo systemctl status nginx
sudo systemctl status flask-ansible-example.service
Test the app.
sudo ufw allow 5000 # to undo: sudo ufw delete allow 5000
source env/bin/activate
open http://HOSTNAME:5000
If that doesn't work, try running the Flask app with
Test gunicorn.
gunicorn --bind wsgi:app
Test gunicorn in debug mode.
gunicorn --log-level debug --error-logfile error.log \
--bind wsgi:app
Test gunicorn in debug mode binding to socket.
gunicorn --workers 3 --log-level deketbug --error-logfile error.log \
--bind unix:flask-ansible-example.sock -m 007 wsgi:app
Run nginx tests.
sudo nginx -t
Check ports in use.
netstat -plnt
Check all active connections.
netstat -a
If need be, kill any processes using a specific port.
sudo fuser -k 80/tcp
Check facts.
ansible webservers -m setup
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