This repository contains:
- Instroduction to Neo4j installation on Azure Ubuntu VM.docx: Installation and configuration of Neo4j on Azure.
- Instroduction to ontology import and edit with Neo4j.docx: how to import and query (add/edit/remove) ontologies in Neo4j with Cypher.
- CYPHER_import_edit_ontology.cyp: The raw code of ontology import and edit with Neo4j
- Instroduction to Python script.docx:introduction to the python scripts for automatically generating aircraft assembly processes based on the application ontology.
- Python scripts for automatically generating aircraft assembly processes based on the application ontology.
- Aircraft_assembly_process_ontology.ttl: the application ontology to be imported to Neo4j. It contains some predefined classes about assembly process.
Update 20240417: Correct a couples of errors. Update the the following codes in "Instroduction to ontology import and edit with Neo4j.docx"
CALL n10s.graphconfig.init(); CREATE CONSTRAINT n10s_unique_uri FOR (r:Resource) REQUIRE r.uri IS UNIQUE
Ontology address (Letter A should be a):
Parameter value of handleVocabUris should be MAP CALL n10s.graphconfig.init({ handleVocabUris: 'MAP' });