Two examples, voting (linear) and nestedloop (quadratic) are provided in illustration_examples folder.
Run the following commands to synthesize bounds.
bash illustration_examples/
bash illustration_examples/
For example, if we execute, the last two lines of terminal output should be similar to the following:
366.0000 + 1324.0000*g__proposals__
Time Used: 1.2097830772399902
Note: g__proposals__ indicates the length of array proposals.
The GASTAP dataset is in dataset/gastap_dataset folder. Each subfolder contains a solidity source code file (.sol file).
Each contract in the solidity file is compiled and converted into a RBR file using the EthIR tool.
We also generate a file (.meta) for each solidity file that stores auxiliary information about rbr and variables.
- dataset/gastap_all_functions.csv: basic information of the 156735 functions.
- experiment_results/10186_case_info_analyzed.csv: analyzed experimental results of 10186 functions, where GASTAP estimation results are available for comparison.
- experiment_results/merged_case_info_analyzed.csv: analyzed experimental results on full gastap dataset.
Replace the file_name, contract_name, function_name to run other examples.
Choose one of three recommended options. Check for more information.
We also provide and to automatically synthesize gas bounds for the complete GASTAP dataset.
To run experiments for a subset, you can select some rows from dataset/gastap_all_functions.csv.