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Genbu Hase edited this page Mar 8, 2016 · 6 revisions

Armor Textures

BlockLauncher offers support for custom armor textures: here's how it works. (yeah I know it's kinda sketchy)

bool bl_setArmorTexture(int, std::string const&);
// you should use the above, but if you really need it:
bool bl_setArmorTexture(int, mce::TexturePtr*);

void init() {
	Item* orangePeel = new ArmorItem("orangePeel", 3777 - 0x100, *(static_cast<ArmorItem*>(Item::mItems[310])->armorMaterial),
		42 /* special render type */, (ArmorSlot)0);
	if (!bl_setArmorTexture(3777, "mob/zombie.png")) {
		// failed to set armor texture :(

For a sample addon that defines an armor item, see

Thanks to @jose-vm for the suggestion.

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