Integrate WorkQueue with SequenceServer.
Currently it still require some modification on the SequenceServer code.
Modify command
method in lib/sequenceserver/blast/job.rb
@command ||= "#{method} -db '#{' ')}'" \
" -query '#{qfile}' #{options}"
@command ||= "blast_workqueue \"#{method} -db '#{' ')}'" \
" -query '#{qfile}' #{options}\""
Called for every single BLAST search:
./blast_workqueue "blastn -db /var/db/est_human -query /tmp/query.fa -evalue 1e-5"
Constantly running, upon receiving msg from a frontend, create a WorkQueue task and dispatch it to work_queue_worker connect to the backend.
A password file can be used to authenticate between work_queue_worker and the backend.
./blast_workqueue-backend --password <pwd-file>
./blast_workqueue-backend --unix-sock <unix-sock-path>
./blast_workqueue-backend --ip <ip-to-listen-on> --port <port>
./blast_workqueue-backend --help
Commuication is done via socket, (support both unix socket and tcp socket).
Use Unix socket by default, with a path of "/var/www/sequenceserver/backend.server"
The input cmd from frontend to backend and the output from backend to frontend are both as a file in /tmp, only the filename is send via socket, there is no clean up done by the frontend, so user or system need to clean up /tmp regularly. Plan to having the output send to frontend via socket.
Currently there is no sanitizing done by this program, so any valid blast option will be passed as is to work_queue_worker for execution. If sanitization is required for your system, plz do so before calling the frontend.