- 🤓 Lithuanian citizen, who speaks russian, reads english and writes in PhpStorm
- 👴 Self-taught computer enthusiast who remembers Php-Nuke, phpBB, mIRC and the world before Web 2.0
I know how to annoy
<span>a web developer</div>
- 🏆 Self-proclaimed champion at fixing self-made bugs. God bless stackoverflow!
- 🩸 Cut me and I'll bleed #ff0000
You know how they say it is hard to decide who you love more - mum or dad? Well, I have the same problem with JavaScript and PHP.
Recently, I started dating a beautiful young girl named Vue.js. This pisses off my old wife jQuery.
Every Christmas I ask Santa Claus:
- for git version control in my personal life
- for a single screen resolution on all devices
- and to slap around a bit with a large trout - every Wordpress Administrator who calls himself a programmer
const Pavel = {
male: true,
createdAt: 608995801,
location: {
latitude: 54.687157,
longitude: 25.279652
langs: {
ru: 'Русский',
ltu: 'Lietuvių',
en: 'English'
askMeAbout: ['web dev', 'pub quizes', 'party games', 'movies'],
currentFocus: "Building entertainment web-apps"
namespace Pavel;
class About extends My implements Skills
public function getDailyKnowledge(): array
return array(
'frontend' => ['JavaScript', 'Vue.js', 'jQuery', 'HTML5'], // TODO: TypeScript
'backend' => ['PHP', 'Node.js'],
'frameworks' => ['Laravel', 'Quasar Framework', 'Electron.js'],
'styles' => ['CSS3', 'SCSS', 'Bootstrap'], // TODO: TailwindCSS
'databases' => ["MySQL"], // TODO: Redis, MongoDB
'misc' => ['GitHub', 'JIRA', 'Trello'],
'architecture' => ['SPA', 'PWA', 'SSR'],
'soft' => ['PhpStorm', 'Postman', 'Toggl', 'WinSCP', 'Xshell', 'Photoshop', 'Adobe Audition'],