As well as just the basics of hosting a TypeScript-coded Angular 2 site on ASP.NET Core.
- ASP.NET Core
- Entity Framework Core
- Automapper
- Angular 2
- Typescript
- Bootstrap 3
- Gulp
- Bower
- ASP.NET Core 1.0: Microsoft’s redesigned, open source and cross-platform framework. -Entity Framework Core: The latest version of the Entity Framework Object Relational Mapper. -Angular 2: The famous AngularJS re-written and re-designed from scratch. Angular 2 is a development platform for building mobile and desktop applications -TypeScript: A typed super-set of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. One of the best ways to write JavaScript applications. -NPM: A Package Manager responsible to automate the installation and tracking of external packages. -Bower: A Package Manager for the Web and as it’s official website says, optimized for the front-end.
- Gulp: A task runner that uses Node.js and works in a Streamline way.
You can also:
- installs Bower globally npm install -g bower
- installs Gulp globally npm install -g gulp
- installs typescript globally npm install -g typescript
- installs Typescript Definition Manager npm install -g tsd npm install -g typings
- npm install
- typings install
- bower install
- gulp build-spa
- dotnet restore
- dotnet ef migrations add initial
- dotnet ef database update
- dotnet run