zio-nats is purely zio-nio based NATS driver. it uses fasparse and parser library to handle protocol messages
- Add server sent messages parser specs
- Add multi-host cluster connections
- Add integration tests using real nats in docker
- Publish to maven/bintray
- Add event subscriptions manager
- Add client sent messages parser specs
- Add proxy/server implementation of NATS protocol (parsers already able to work with both parts)
- Add metrics and configurable logger
Simple benchmark and usage example
import zio._
import zio.console._
import zio.stream._
import zio.nats.parser.NatsMessage.Connect
object ZTestApp extends App {
override def run(args: List[String]): ZIO[zio.ZEnv, Nothing, ExitCode] = {
val logic = for {
natsS <- Nats.connectToNatsHost(Nats.NatsHost("localhost", 4222))
_ <- natsS.use { nats =>
val runs = 10000
for {
_ <- nats.sendRaw(Connect.default)
sid <- nats.subscribe("s1")
timedRes <- Stream
.fromIterable(0 to 100)
.mapM(id => nats.publish("s1", s"msg $id"))
_ <- putStrLn(
s"Execution time ${timedRes._1.toMillis} ms for $runs messages. Avg: ${timedRes._1.toMillis.toFloat / runs} ms"
_ <- nats.unsubscribe(sid)
_ <- putStrLn("Press enter to exit")
_ <- getStrLn
} yield ()
} yield ()