Based on the work of @jseidelin on soe-network, h1z1-server is a library trying to emulate a h1z1(just survive) server.
"It's just matter of effort and to have enough people of with interest towards having such private servers to the respected game. I highly doubt that H1Z1 (Just Survive) is one of those."
Making this work for the 15 January 2015 version of H1Z1 (first version).
Use DepotDownloader ( only work if you've bought h1z1 )
AppID : 295110 DepotID : 295111 ManifestID : 1930886153446950288
How to use DepotDownloader :
cmd : dotnet .\DepotDownloader.dll -app 295110 -depot 295111 -manifest 1930886153446950288 -username username -password 1234
Like all games H1Z1 has C/C++ & DirectX dependencies.
You may already have them but just in case
VC 2010 Redist
VC 2015 Redist
DirectX Jun 2010 Redist
You can download them all here
On the H1Z1 game folder there is a file name "ClientConfig.ini".
Open it and change the Server value to the adress of your server , probably localhost:PORT
Execute this command in CMD/Powershell ( you have to be in your h1z1 game folder ) :
.\H1Z1.exe inifile=ClientConfig.ini providerNamespace=soe sessionid=0 CasSessionId=0 Interna tionalizationLocale=en_US LaunchPadUfp={fingerprint} LaunchPadSessionId=0 STEAM_ENABLED=0
Setup MongoDB
Create a database named "h1server" with a collection named "servers"
Add the following code as a document, this is a server's info template:
{ serverId: 1, serverState: 2, locked: false, name: "SoloServer", nameId: 8, description: "yeah", descriptionId: 1, reqFeatureId: 0, serverInfo: "<ServerInfo Region=\"CharacterCreate.RegionUs\" Subregion=\"UI.SubregionUS\" IsRecommended=\"1\" IsRecommendedVS=\"0\" IsRecommendedNC=\"0\" IsRecommendedTR=\"0\" />", populationLevel: 3, populationData: "<Population ServerCapacity=\"0\" PingAddress=\"\" Rulesets=\"Permadeath\"><factionlist IsList=\"1\"><faction Id=\"1\" Percent=\"0\" TargetPopPct=\"0\" RewardBuff=\"52\" XPBuff=\"52\" PercentAvg=\"0\"/><faction Id=\"2\" Percent=\"0\" TargetPopPct=\"1\" RewardBuff=\"0\" XPBuff=\"0\" PercentAvg=\"0\"/><faction Id=\"3\" Percent=\"0\" TargetPopPct=\"1\" RewardBuff=\"0\" XPBuff=\"0\" PercentAvg=\"1\"/></factionlist></Population>", allowedAccess: true, }
The application is at the very beginning of its development, it can contain bugs and is very minimalist.
Download here :
Clone this repo : h1z1-server-QuickStart
You need Nodejs ( currently using 12.16 LTS).
npm i h1z1-server
to install package
const H1Z1servers = require("./h1z1-server");
const { Base64 } = require("js-base64");
var server = new H1Z1servers.LoginServer(
295110, // <- AppID
"dev", // <- environment
1115, // <- server port
Base64.toUint8Array("F70IaxuU8C/w7FPXY1ibXw=="), // <- loginkey
true // <- SoloMode
Since v0.2.3 of h1z1-server the npm package debug is used to make debug logs.
Windows command prompt notes CMD On Windows the environment variable is set using the set command.
set DEBUG=*,-not_this
set DEBUG=* & node app.js
PowerShell (VS Code default) PowerShell uses different syntax to set environment variables.
$env:DEBUG = "*,-not_this"
$env:DEBUG='app';node app.js
Then, run the program to be debugged as usual.
npm script example:
"windowsDebug": "@powershell -Command $env:DEBUG='*';node app.js",
From my package.json, if it can help.
"scripts": {
"login-server": "set DEBUG=* & node loginserver.js",
"login-client": "set DEBUG=* & node loginclient.js",
"gateway-server": "set DEBUG=* & node GatewayServer.js",
"zone-server": "set DEBUG=* & node ZoneServer.js",
"zone-client": "set DEBUG=* & node ZoneClient.js"
This project is for educational purposes. I am not responsible for your actions with it.