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This repository is a PyTorch-based natural language processing toolkit that provides some commonly used NLP models and tools.

Getting Started For Users

You can read the following documents to start using this repository:

Getting Started For Developers

Start the Project

  • Start the FastAPI server

Install Dependencies

We recommend using Anaconda as the Python environment manager. You can refer to the installation guide for steps to create a conda environment.

pip install -r requirements.txt
# requirements.txt does not include torch and torchvision
# Please install according to your environment, refer to the official documentation
# Example for CUDA 11.1:
# pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

Start the Project

  • Start the fastapi server
    uvicorn core.server:app --reload --host
  • Start the Svelte web
    cd core/web
    npm run dev


  • When running npm run dev, pay attention to the server.proxy configuration in vite.config.ts, it should match the address of the FastAPI service you started.
  • If you encounter errors like Couldn't import the plugin "", it may be that your network cannot access Please find a proxy or acceleration node and replace it in project.inlang/settings.json.

Unit Testing

Writing Unit Tests

  • Test naming conventions: Test files should start with test_, test classes should start with Test, and test methods should start with test_.
  • Keep tests independent: Each test should run independently, ensuring that the execution of one test does not affect other tests.
  • Cover various scenarios: Ensure tests cover normal cases, boundary cases, and exceptional cases.
  • Use assertions: Use various assertion methods provided by unittest, such as assertEqual, assertTrue, assertFalse, etc.

Running Unit Tests

# All unit tests
python -m unittest discover
# Run unit tests for a specific file
python -m unittest test.model


To create a distribution package (for uploading to PyPI or providing to users for installation), follow these steps:

  1. Check if the version number in the DarwinKit/ file is correct.
  2. Run DarwinKit create-options to update model information.
  3. Check if the frontend web static resources [DarwinKit/server/web/build] folder exists. If not, build it according to the following steps:
    cd DarwinKit/server/web
    # Depends on node environment, if node is not installed, please install node first
    npm install # Install dependencies, no need to execute every time
    npm run build
  4. Run the python sdist bdist_wheel command to build the distribution package.
  5. After the build is complete, the distribution package is located in the dist folder. The file names of the distribution package are DarwinKit-<version>.tar.gz and DarwinKit-<version>-py3-none-any.whl.

Third-Party Packages

This project includes third-party software. Below are the attributions and license details:

  • SpikeGPT: Generative Pre-trained Language Model with Spiking Neural Networks
    • Copyright (c) 2023, Rui-Jie Zhu, Qihang Zhao, Guoqi Li, Jason K. Eshraghian
    • License: BSD 2-Clause License
  • SpikeLM: Towards General Spike-Driven Language Modeling via Elastic Bi-Spiking Mechanisms
    • Copyright (c) 2024, Xingrun Xing, Boyan Gao, Zheng Zhang, David A. Clifton, Shitao Xiao, Li Du, Guoqi Li, Jiajun Zhang
  • SpikingLlama
    • Copyright (c), Zhiyuan Zhu, Qian Zheng