There are 3 parts to this homework. The homework is only complete if all parts are submitted.
Homework is only incomplete if 1 or more parts are not submitted. Non-working code is not an incomplete. Please turn in any code you have.
This homework is due Thursday November 22nd at 10pm. Late submissions are not accepted.
For the main part of this week's homework, you're going to be creating a to do list application with MySQL and Sequelize as the ORM as the backend database.
Use this image as your UI guide.
Your application must be deployed to Heroku with MySQL. Submit a Github and Heroku link to BCS.
Make a blog post to or Medium with at least 250 words plus code and/or pictures about a coding-related topic.
Submit a link to your blog post to BCS.
Make a PR to an open source project. If you have a hard time finding a project talk to the instructional staff.
Submit a link to the PR to BCS.