Connect with customers at every step of their journey. Give them the best in-app live chat experience with Mobilisten. Mobilisten enables customers to reach you from any screen on your app, get their questions answered, and make better purchase decisions.
You can integrate Mobilisten in your application using Cocoapods using the Mobilisten pod. Here is an example Podfile where Mobilisten is included.
source ''
platform :ios, '11.0'
target 'Project Target' do
pod 'MobilistenBeta', '8.0.0-beta'
After Mobilisten is added to your Podfile, run the pod install
command to complete the Installation.
You can find our manual integration guide here
Mobilisten comes with a set of highly configurable APIs to suit your needs. Get started by creating an App
and Access
key for the Mobilisten SDK in SalesIQ
You can find the list of all APIs and their documentation here in the API Reference section.
Download our demo app from the Apple App Store today!