##An app to help out with breastfeeding. See http://zoomix.github.io/ionic_feeder/ for more info.
load test/model.html || test/charts.html in chrome browser. Preferably in a private window. Wouldn't want to mess up your database.
- ion-refresher stops updating of timer on samsung s3 running 4.3. =/
- Are timezones going to be a real problem in using timestamps? Cross device? Time syncs?
- When an ongoing feeding is resynced it is marked as updated. Following syncs will reload the list unecessariliy.
- Vibrator fails on 4.4.4. =/
- Export to excel
- Feedback in background without user having to send email.
- Sanitize model.js
- Update counter in notifications.
- Share code via nfc. phonegap-nfc
- Refresh button in main view instead of menu?
- Skins for app
- Predictive charts
- More tests
- Store partials in db.
- Skip fullscreen - show status bar.
- Run in backgrund.
- Re-enter continues timer.
- Rename app
- Store status of row, continues on resume.
- Max feeding time.
- Buttons change content when toggled.
- Time since last feeding
- Sync with the interwebs.
- "Push all" button to sync all current feedings.
- Store syncs
- Merge sync better. Go back.
- Show off ongoing feedings in sync
- Resuming app after a long sleep doesnt set duration to max time, it just pinches it off
- Resync on resume
- Quit doublesyncing
- Throw up some toasters when syncing.
- Feeding duration in minutes
- Time between feedings
- Style a bit.
- Mark next feeding
- Make a generic menu and move "upload all" button there
- Create user-id on startup if not created.
- Send user id by email
- Input user-id
- Vibrate on 5 minute mark.
- Put a menu button for manual sync of latest day
- Move .hasId to model where it belongs (bug)
- Use button instead of for buttons
- Don't revibrate when reentering app.
- Add menu button
- Refactor .getNewFeedings to use only startTime
- Time since last Feeding works across days.
- Modify old feeding.
- Does a full resync on a day without registered feedings (bug)
- Add updatedAt-field to feedings to sync deletes and modifies.
- Bottle button. No time.
- Clicking bottle button opens slider for volume.
- Edit bottle
- Spinner spins forever on new installations. (bug - fixed a while ago.)
- Sometimes we receive a double click on a button / phantom click. (bug - fixed a while ago.)
- Sometimes a store gets 0 duration even though the timer was on. (bug - fixed a while ago.)
- Scroll box size to small. Can't scroll when there are no times. (bug)
- Show predicted supplier if there's been one used last 24hours.
- Wrong suggested supplier when deleted.
- Did the list become sluggish all of a sudden? Scrolling up and down stutters. (bug)
- Load previous day's data when today is loaded.
- Make loading of slides dynamic instead of hardcoded (bug in ionic, see weird_auto_slides_bug branch ($ionicSlideDelegate.update() fixed it))
- Create a demo-mode that temporarily changes user id
- Rename the database. Demo? Really?
- Use a better ID
- Popup buttons.
- Edit bottle. Use bottle icon instead of 'B'
- Share/enter code -> Connect devices
- Drag down to reload
- Reloading bar instead of spinner.
- Bottle feeding default - 150ml
- Scrolling "time between feedings" gets reset. Use something clever here. (bug)
- Are you sure you want to delete.
- Resyncing doesnt reset previous day. (should clear anything up to that date.) (bug)
- Move resync to model and do callbacks
- Adding a bottle feeding doesnt update time between (bug)
- Range slider messes up when sliding on s3. It looks like it's working and then aligns left and dies. (bug - fixed a while ago)
- Predicted supplier doesnt predict when running with empty params. (bug)
- Tests? Specs?
- Change background on button click to give press feedback.
- Sometimes we get two timers running for the same feeding. (bug. Seems fixed)
- Tactile feedback on clicking the feeding list items
- When entering a new secret code, automatically perform a sync.
- Texts and message for sharing/entering code.
- Design subject-line in popups.
- Do we need a "start feeding" text between timer and feeding-buttons? Only the first time?
- Step down the update interval when app is sleeping
- Feedback
- Edit feeding time
- Charts
- Split up controllers. Extract list controller to save on updating everything on every second
- changing date and time at the same time doesn't work
- changing date screws the lists up if there's only one feeding that day.
- Charts look awful on tablets.
##Used plugins
cordova plugin add https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/Toast-PhoneGap-Plugin.git
cordova plugin add https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/SocialSharing-PhoneGap-Plugin.git
cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file
cordova plugin add https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-vibration.git
cordova plugin add https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/cordova-plugin-dialogs.git
cordova plugin rm org.apache.cordova.core.dialogs
cordova plugin rm org.apache.cordova.core.vibration
cordova plugin add https://github.com/VitaliiBlagodir/cordova-plugin-datepicker
cordova plugin add https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/LaunchMyApp-PhoneGap-Plugin.git --variable URL_SCHEME=ionicfdr
but since sharing cannot specify a url the ionicfdr://USER_ID just sits there like regular unclickable text =(. Maybe generate an HTML message and share that instead?